HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/1966 (Special Meeting) .. :rq r~eCj (t ClJl1Y1Cil -~eetir-p' ;::e:'Jte"lber 6, 1966, continued: T~esoh1t ion ~To. 1 S 3: l.:oved by Orme FA 11 s, seco.nded by Lloyd Lowery~ This Council 'herebv ad,iourn to 1'J1eet again on ~')esday; . October 4, 1966, ~t 10 a.tn. i.n re~u1ar meetin:r. in the COlu1cil Ch9mber at Orono or otherwi se in sn ecial meeting <"\ t th e CAll of the Reeve. - (Jgrried.' - ~,' ., ~'~:4~ - /' C1er . :.._L~ ~. Reeve. SPE;CI.A:L IfEE'rING" OF 'l'BE OOUNCI.L OF THE TOWNSHIP OF crr~'R'K:B Sept ember 22, 19'~ at~ 8 p.m. COUBoil Chamber, Orono. w Presents Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L. A. Perraul1; Councillor R. G. Chatel" Councillor O. H. Palla Counoillor tbyd LowerY Clerk H. E. 1l11lson Speoial meetiug of Counoil was oalled by Reeve J. W. Stone to oORaiter the Dusinesa at haR4. The foll..ing oorre.Jon4enoe Was rea4 out 'Y the Reeve: 1. Oanaeli.. Imperial B8J!1k ot OOIDll.... rEt Interim :r.t:n&no1.. trader By-Law.G. l.52" COJlatruotion ot Storm Sewera, Cur1tiq ant partng 1n the Polioe Villagt ot Oro.o.-111e4. 2. Canadian Imperial Bank ot O...rce re Loan uder B)"-Law .0. 1;2; Construotion of Storm Se.ers, Carbing ani Paving in the Pol1oe . Village ot Orono, Ontario.-F11.4. 3. Geottrey Bonnyoastle, Q..C., Cooty Orown A.ttorn.,. ud Ol.rk ot the Peaoe re 8eleotio:n of Jurors for 1"'.-111.4. 4. Ot:tic. ot the 1r1re llarshal re 1'" :F1r. Prevention week, October '.l;.-Oopy referred to Orono POl1oe !ruste.a. 5. Joseph Barlloslt1 re .&.pplioat1on tor Ifile Drain l.ou.-Ol.rk te see that th..pplioation is p1'8perly completed ancl p.r rooeaaed in aocordano. wi tb. aeotion 7 of '!'he ~11" Drainage Act. ,. Oo~1t.1 P1anning Aaaoo1ation'ot Oanada Ontario Diviaion re PlanniDg "Pl"GlIl_a and Prepess Oonterenoe O!l Ootober 6th-7tlt, 19'6.- The Clerk was instruoted to refer a copy of this oorrespond8Jloe to JIr. A.. Low, Seot. ot the Ola1ice PlanD.1:ag Boart.-'l'alDle4. 7.. . Mr. J. O. Gam.y re Dr81.88. e probl.mv Main Stre.t, Orono.-.I. oopy to ije reterrea to the united Counti" Real Oomad..1on. 8. B. ll. l.o'Yekin, Chat rmaJl , 00111I1 ttee of .A4Justmeat, re 00111II1 'tee ot MJust1lleat Paaltion ot Seoretar7-Treaaurer - ReEUler.tion Bulget. - :aeterred to re.lution. . 9. Edwart Barnoslei re Appl1cat1o!l :tor fil. Drain LoaL-Clerk to .e. tha17 the aPJlioation i. properly oGllplet.d ..d praoe..ed in aocordanoe Wi tll 8.ot.1on 7 of !'he '11. Drainag. .&ot. . Upon request DY the Reeve, Oou,oillor O. R. J'a11~.r.:Port.d meeting with 1Ir. H. E. Welkey who hat b.n del.gated I)' the Co..tt.e ot &c1Justment to See it the OlerJt-'frealll1rer could. ne t carry the Seoret8r7-Treasurer ot the O.mmitte. ot AaJua'-ent to the ead o~ 1"', on & basis that is sat1'8t1lotory to 000c11, botll from a tin- &D01al aDd atministrative viewpo1Jlt. Mr. ]'alls report.. that Mr. ~ll.on hal suggest.d . r.....ratioa tor this poa1t1.. o~ .308.00 for the year l!'; and 15QO.OO tor the year 1'" alld request.d the Olerk to give Oounoil a more tetailed r.port With r.gar4 to the proJOsed solutio. .tor resol'Yi1lg U;POD. the r.que.ts now _de 17 the Oommi tte. of MJustm.ellt. ne Clerk, theretor., reported. OJl cert.ill monies in the ourre.t budget whioh might be trans:terred by the Counoil to be applied on l!lD. anticipated ov.r-exp8.4i tv. by the Committe. ot A4Justment i. the year l"'. JUrther, the Clerk De given the lle.8saary authority to hire and stlJerrt.e so..on8 on .. hourly basis 4l11"iJlg the bllla.e o:t this year who coul! e'Yeabally _e oonsidered tor appo1ntmant as Seoretary-Treasurer ot the Co~tt.e ;",~"- .~ Page 2 - Speoial ..eting ot OO\Ulcil Se)temDer 22, 1"'. c0lD.tinuets { t -- . of Acl3uatment. Also, the Clerk reponed that an estimate on . second-hand Underwood J[ectrio TYp8wri..r would pe approximately $130.00. Finally, tke Clerk oODllllented. that the projectel . estimated previ sl.. of' 11800.00 wou).d, in all probab~ll ty, be sufficient to cover tke saggested costs of' the Oommittee ot Adjustment up to and including D,ecember 31, .19'6. 1'his was eoncluded by resolution. ~he follow1ag resolutions were p.sseds Resolu.tionNo. 1;4: Jleved by Robert G. Ohater,seconded by Lorne. A. Perraul t : This Counoil ke:reiy au.thoriz. theOolDlllittee 01' I.4ju.8tmeJlt .-..,~ to seoure a Seoreta:Q'-~rea8urer to oar..,. out the wGrk of the sait ~.: Oommittee to their satisfaotion.-Oarried. Resolution No. l;;: 1I0ved by Lorne A.Perrault, second~d 'by Orme Falls: i With reterence ~o Resolution No. l04 dated May i~, 19", this Oouncil hereby appoint Miss Oatherine Stewart. Kendal, On'terio, to represent this muicipali ty on the T01lD.shi p of Clarke Oentennial ComDdtte.. . Oertitied copies of this reselu tion are to be referred to . lIiss O. Stewart and the Department of Tourism aM Inf'ormation.-Oarrled. Resolution No. 1;6: Moved by Robert G~ O~ater, Seconde! by Lor.. A.. Perraul t: This Counoil here.yauthorize the Re.ve and Olerk to aiSIl. a d..4 in 4uplicate dated the 20th day of 'eptember 19", between the Oorporation of the Township of Olarke and Mary G. H~. -Carri .d. Th. rollowing By-Law was given first, second and thir4 . reading and tinally passed:- ) SUl>pl..entary By-Law No. l;2', . . . A By-Law te r....id. for the 1,66 expo4itures on.roads lith. To..sh1:p ot Clark in the Count!, of' DtlrhaJll. lfHIRU.S the Highway improvement Act requires that the to~al expe.di tu.re 011 road.s be provided. for annually by By...Law and that the by-law b. suim.1 tted to the Minister of lU.ghways tor approTal. !EERIU'OBB the Oounoil of the CorPoration or the said ~own- .. .. ( . ship .nacts as follows: . (1) The aum ot 121,100.00 is hereby estimated as the .xpeaii ture UpOIl the oonstruotionand mainteJlance of the roads au4 briqe. under its juria4iotlon during the year "1,'6 aa f'o ll.... al Oonatruot1oJl Maint..aRoe , 2,lOG.OO ~ll,;OO.OO ',;00.00 Total $13.600.00 7,;00.00 Boa". Br~4g.8. . OulTerta )fe. .allhill.ry Sup.r1.t~4.nce . ~ . OTerhea4! ~ TOTALS :l ?,bOQ. 00 )ll .;00.00 ')2l,9l0CJ.OtJ~ (2) ~esaid . mon1es shall b.~xp..4.4 Ul\'er the ~~rv1 ~ioJ1 . ot the 4uly appo1Jlt.ed .wnahip :road Superintendent and on wort. pertOl'lled in aeoorlooe with 1'h. Highway.I-.proverullt ..Act. (3)., !he cle:rk ab;lJlll 'tru.smi t 'rriplioa t. copies of' thill, , by-law to the distriot of't! ce of' \U Department of Highways, Ontario not ~ater thaJlMa:rcb; 3lsfllfy the said. y.ar. (4) !he ap..pro.Tal ot.the Ont,aritf Muniolpal loard shall be obtained 'etor. _y .xp..4iture i8 authori,ze~ o:r: work oommenoed whioh will i. ti..c.dbJ' the ..1sne of' d..en:ture. or monies raised in aauDs.uent year. Meeting a~jou;p.." at "30 p.m. nil -~ - ,:.._~/ Cler~~ ~. ..' J:t&'~ eeve. , '. lll,;.:1 .,~