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Oounoil Keeting June 21, 1">> - continued: (
Olerk H.E.H[llson
Road Superintendent M.L.Ross
T.E.Sims, Oonsulting Engineer, Totten Sims! Asaoci.te. Lt4
H.D.Glennie, Superv1so,r It" It .
Speoial Meeting ot Oouncil was called by Reeve J.W.Stone
to consider the following busine.a:
Resolution NO.9': Koved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.Ii.Falla:
Th1s Oouncil hereby open the tenders aaaci1:,..rtised for :the
proposed oonstruotion Gf the Kimball Britse. - Oarried..
Tenders were reoeived from the following for the p~op.aed
oonstruotion of the Kimball Bridge: . . . .
1. Ganaraska Bridge Ltd., Box 96, Port Hope, Ont.
2. E.F.Marston Construotions Limited, P.O.Box 91,
, .. 171 Nelson,S:t., Peart Hope
3. Mel-Ron Construotion, 401 Hopkins Stree~, lhitby,.On;t.
This businesa was referred to resolution.
Resolution No. 9(: Moved iyB.G.Chater, seoondea by L.A.Perraults
Resolve that the tender reoeived tram E.F.Karaton Construotion
Limited, P.O.Box 91, 171 Nelson St., Port Hope. Ontario, for, the
proposed oonstruotion of the Kimball Bridge be' and is hereby
ao~epted as per tender, subjeot to the appreval of the Depart-
ment of Highways of Ontario, and oheoking of the tender 4oouments.
- Carri.d.
Oouncil agreed that tenders for, the Leakard Bri4g. be .
oalled for July 12, 196,.
Meeting ad6ourned. .
. .
(L~)d ff~
July', 196, at 10 a.m.
Counoil Chamber, Orono.
Present: . Reeve J. W. Stone
Counoillor R. G. Chater
Counoillor O. H. Falls
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E.. MillsoD. .
Road Superintendent M.' L.. Ro'Se .
Thla minute.. of the last regular meeting and two special
meetings were approved as read on motion by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded
by B. G. Chater. - Carried.
It .a. ~oved by R. G. Chater, seoonded by O. H. Falls,- that
delegations be heard. - Carrie~. ,
Mr. Oarroll Niohols, representing The Hamilton Townshi~
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuranoe Company, expolained the termination
of 'their agreement dated )fay 3rd, 1"', whereby ~e Oompany- agreed
te pay to the Township the sum ot .75.00 -tor 'every. fire at whioh
fire fighting proteotion is provided by a reo~agi..4 Mobil. fire
brigade. This ~siness.a~ ooncluded by ~e.olution.
· JIr. Jolu:l"K:1m.ball .e" wi'lh Counoil representing himself. and Mr..
J4&.dge Shaw to discuss the proposed roadprojeot a.advertised under
Road' ItE.. Mr. Kimball objeoted to the surveying stake plaoed
approximately within 34 feet of the west limit of his b&rn. Mr.
Kimball requested the stake 110 be moved to approrima-tel'y the looa-
tion of his .uth road allowanoe renoe. COUDeil ref.~ed this
matter -to the investigation and mutual agreement of Mr. Kimball.
~. M. L. Ress and Mr. R. E. Sima.
Mr. ! Mrs. F. W. DrowleY', Mr. Howard Devery, solioi-tor to
Jar. Drowley, Mrs. P. Viokery, and Mr;-. Alfred Pe,l"rin met wi1;.h OOUJloil
to discuss the proposetr road prajeot as aivertised uncler Boad "All.
Mr. Devery suggested a ohange in the original plan of surv&y to
reroute the stream and move the proposed bridge southerbf ,and
we~terly into the original road allowanoe between Lota l' aad 17
in the Third Conoession. Counoil referred thi8 busines. '
investigation and mutual agreement of the delegation. Mr. )(. L.
Ross and Mr. R. E. Sims. A oopy at the Plan of Survey ~a give.
to Mr. Devery for his reoord.
, , 1 .~"' t ~1
2 - Oouncil )(e."il1&,; July ,. 19", con~iD.ue41
In aoeordance with the advertising in. the Oreno Weekly
Time. a By-Law to provide tor the widening and improvement of
certain roa4s describe4~herein and for the ~xpropr1ation of
certain land. requirea therefore was con~idered by.Oounoil and
referred to reading of by-laws.
The.following tenders for purchase of Hay were reoeived
in response to a reoent advertisement in the Orono Weekly Timess-
,1. Mr. Ivison Ta~blyn
2. Mr. Jack A. Reid
}..ur. Ralph Greenwood .
4. Mr. Henry Skerea t"
J. Mr. L. R. Sawyer
Deoision, of Counoil W8.S referred to Resolution. .
On invitat10n by Mr. R. E. Sims, Council reoe~s,d at
1.lO~p.m. tor lunoh on motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by
O. H.(7alls. - Carried.
Oouncil resumed session at 2.40 p.m.
Tha ~ollowing reports and correspondence we~. read out
br :aeeve stones .
1. !h. Hamilton Township 'armerst MUtual 7ire In~uranoe
Company re termination of agreement. - Filel.
2. Northumberl~4-Durham Health Unit report for May 196,. -
}. Solicitor B.R.Lovekin re proposed expropriation py-law ant
Mr. Jack Kimball. - Filed.
4. Trustees of the Police Village of.Orono(resolution re
en sting land use and munioiplll water. ... Filed.
.5. J)epartment of Highways of Ontario re approval ot Supple-
mentary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1482. - Filed.
6. Department of Health re Elliott Cemetery. - Filed.
7. Department ot Public Welfare re sohedule of rate. for
emergenoy dental servioes. - Filed.
8. Department of Highways re Supplementary Road Expenditure
By-Law Xc. 1486. - Filed.
,. ne M1n1ster of Highways re permission to harvest hay Oil
all Xing'lI Highway'r1ght-of-ways. :.. The Clerk was instruoted
to a_verti8~ the aaid letter in the Orono Weekly Times.
10. Jrr. Brian Oaswell re applioation to operate a Dog Pound
tor the Township ot Olarke. - :aeterred to resolution. ,
11. Department of Highways re Federal Sales ~ax on muni-
olpally oalled contraots. - Filed. . .
12. Department of Highways re intormation to contraotor
during period of tender calling. - Filed.
l}. E. R. Lovekin, B.A., announcement of Kenneth
W. H. Stubington, Ll.B. association in the practioe of law
under 'he firm name ot Lovekin and Stubington. - Filed.
14. G~naraska Resion Oonservation Authority re road allowanoe
under proposed olosing request by Apdrew E. Thompson. - Filed.
1'.( Ontarip Water Besouroes Oommisa1?n ~e The b.W.R.C.' Aot
for :pollution control. - Filed.
16.' !he Great Pine Ridge Tourist Oounoil ~Reporter" for
June 1,6,. -Filed. ( .
17. Mr. O. A. Holmes, Ipspeotpr of Schools, re holidays for
lOcal fairs. - Filed. '
18. Department of Tourism and Information re appointment of
c.ntennia~ looal oomBdttee chairman. - Tabled.
19. Depar'ment ot Highways. re By-Law submissions. - filec1.
20. ~e Ontario MUnioipal Board (two letters) re tinar appro-
val of Municipal 1farks Assistanoe Program Road Projeots. -
. Fil.ed.. . .
21. Mr. S. D. Holmes re possible efteots of roaelside wee.
spraying. - Filed.
22. Uni.te4 Counti es 0'1 Northumberland and Durham re By-LaW - .
No. 204' to equalize assessment of the various munioipali ties. - .
Filed. . ... . , ·
~ .. ~ ,... ..
2J. Department of Tourism and Information re touristt establish-
ment oonstructioJ'l and perini ts. - n~ed. ,. ( .
2.. Department of Highways re Township needs study proposals. -
filri. .
2,. Department of Highways reapproval of equipment rental. -
3 - Oounoil _eeting, July 6, ~96;, ~on~inue~:
~6. Copy letter to the Clarke Oemetery Bo~rd trom Solioitor E.
B. Lovekin re the Presbyterian Ohuroh in Oanada and Newtonville
Cemetery as business brougQt forward. from June 1, 196;. - Tabled.
27. Mrs. Ruth ~aggart r, term1ua~ion of Dog busine..
brought forward from Oouncil M,eting on May 4, 196;. - 7iled.
28. Hr. & Mrs. H. R. Best and family expression at gratetul
appreoiation. ~ Reoeived.
29..Department of Highways re approval of the oonstruction of the
Hallowell Bridge. - Filed. . .. . .
30. Messrs. Bill Werry, ,Bill Hanoook, John GQrdon. Bruoe Hanoook
and RonaJdHanoook request for wage inorease a8 business brought
forward from June 1, 196;. - riled. .
31. Department of Highw.ys re QODstruotion ot sid....alk. - A oopy
to be reterred to the Road Superintendent.
32. Townot Whitby request for Clarke to endorse their resolu-
tion dated l;th M~oh, +96;, pe~itioning.the Government of Ontario
to establish a grant res$ore equity in eduoation oost..
- Referred to resolution.
33. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re Building By-Law as business brought
forward from June 1, 196;. - Filed.
34.. Solioi tor E. R. Lovekin re remuneration of Counoil members
as business brought forward from June 1, 196;. - Filed~
3;. Fred Lyoett Ltd. (2 letters) re liability ooverage. - The
Cler~ was instruoted to request a billing to oover liability
insuranoe and pay the said aocount under authorization of this
meeting. (
36. Canadian Imperial Bank Qf Commeroe re Orono Hydro Eleotrio
Commission. - Filed.
37. Totten, Sims and Assooiates Limited re M.W.A.P. Road Con-
struotion File No. 64W2Q-7-2. - Filed.
38. Department of Publio Welfare re amended residents regula-
tions. - Filed.
39. Department of Highways re approval of oonstruotion of Kimball
Bridge. - Filed. (
40. Department of Munioipal Atfai~s re NUnioipal Works Assistanoe
Prqgram. - Filed.
4~. J. L. Graham & Co. re proposed OrQno Hydro Eleotrio Commission
debenture (issue. - Reterred to the Clerk and the Polioe Trustees.
42. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re Newtonville Community Hall. - Filed.
General Aooount Vouohers No. 7 for JUly 196; and Road Vouoher
No. 6 tor June 196; were duly authorized tor payment on motion
by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by R.G.Chater. - Carried.
The tollowing passed: .
Resolution No. 98: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by R.G.ChaterJ
Upon reoommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee this Council
hereby authorize an hQurly wage Lnorease ot .~O~ per hour retro-
aotive to June 1, 196~, for the following Road Department e~uip-
ment operators:- Messrs. Wm. Werry, Wm. Hanoook, John Gordon,
Bruoe Hanoook and Ronald Hanoook. - Carried.
Resolution No. 91: Mo~ed by Orme ~alls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
This Council dec are CiV;io HOliday, August 2,' 196;., as a legal
hOliday in the Township of Clarke. - Carried.
Resolution No. 100: Moved by Orme Falls seooBded by Lloyd Lowery:
This Counoil hereby sanotion tha action of the Centennial Manage-
ment Committee in the matter of the appointment o~,Mr. S. B.
Rutherford as Chairman of the said Committee and Mr. .m. Bunting
"as member of the said Committee. - Carried.
Resolution No. 101: Moved by Orme Falls, s800nded by Lloyd LOwery:
Resolve that the Kendal ~eoreation Committee requast for permission
to alose off part of the Main Street at Kendal on the evening ot
~uly 14, 196;, for purpose of a Street Fair and Dance. be and i.
hereby granted. A oopy Df this resolution be referred to Mrs.
George Meroer, Seoretary, of the said Reoreati'on Comm1 ttee.~
Carri ed. '
Resolution No. 102: Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded by Orme'Falls:
This Oounoil hereby endorse ~he request. of the Hamilton Township
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuranoe Company to term1nate their agree-
ment dated May 3, 19,;, Whereby the Oompany agreed to pay to the
Township the sum of $7;.00 for every fire at whioh fire fighting
proteotion is provided by a reoognize! mobile fire brigade where
the building damaged by tire is insured by this Company. -
The Clerk is hereby instruoted to mail a oertified oopy of this
resolution to The Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insu-
ranoe Company. - Carried..
Resolution No. 103: Nbved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by Orme Falls:
4 - Oouncil ~.ting, July', 19';, oontinue4:
The Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to oomplete an
agreement with JIr. Brian Caswell in reapeot to By-Law No. 1400,
a by-law to provide for regulating the running at large of dogs
. in the 'T.wnshi]) of Clarke. - Carried.
Resolution No. 104: Moved by I.G.Chater, s~oonded by Lloyd LGwery:
Resolve that the tender of Mr. J. A. Reid for the purohase of
hay on part Lot 27 in the Fifth Conoession Gwne4 by this.muni-
oipality be and is hereby acoepted as per tender. .
A oertified oopy of this resolution be reterre4 to Mr. J. A..
Reid and Mr. U. L. Ross. - Carried.
Resolution No. 105: Moved ~y R.G.Chater, (seoonded by.Orme Falls:
Resolve that the ~urham County Central Agricultural Sooiety be
granted t200.00 for the year.1965. - Qarr1ed.
Resolution NO. 106: Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
This Council hereby g~ant the sum of Ten Dollars e$lO.OO) to
the Durham .aunty Plowman's Assooiation for the year 196;.
Treasurer: Mr. RalphC. :Banbury, Brigh1Qn Qnt. - Carried.
Resolution Ie. 107: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Ifesolve tilat the following resolution passed 'Dy the Council ot..
the Oorporation of the Town ot Whitby be endorsed
by the Oouncil of the TOwnship of Cla~k.: -(
"THA~.~ the oost of eduoation has reaohed.ala2ming pro~
portions, (
AND WHBRRAS the ~nister for Eduoation in Ontario has stated.
thatth1a cost spiral will increase at a muoh greater rate,
4ND WHEREAS small munioipalities with a limited and unbalanoed.
assesament )otential, must compete with larger oentres in order
to acquire qualified teaohing staff,
AND WHEREAS this aotion neoessitates a higher mill ratewhioh
in turn makes it.more diffioult to attract new industry whioh
might ease the burden on the home owne:p,
THE-DJ'OO D IT RESOLVED THA'l' the Government of Ontario be
petitioned to set in motion immediately a grant programme.which
~ould res.*re equity in the field of Education within the
provinoe, and whioh would ensure that eaoh student has an
equal eduoational opportunity, and at the same time release .
muoh needed funds so that other essential muniGipal ser~ioea,
suoh as polioe proteotion, street maintenanoe, and san~tation, be
. ~intainedin a manner suited to our manner ot 1iving,
ANDTBAT copies of this resolution ,be all munio~-
palities in Ontario requesti~a reply."
A oertified oopy of this resolution be mailed to the Clerk ot
the 'l'own of Whitby. - Carried.. .' ,
Resolution NO. 108: Moved by OrmeFalls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolv.e .that the Reeve (and Olerk be and are hereb~ authorized
to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" agreement between this
,municipality and Spence Gordon. - Oarried.
!lesolutiGnNc. 109: Moved by Lloyd L01fery;, seoQnded by Orme Falls:
Re~lve that the Reeve and Clerk be .and .are hereby authorized tG
81gn and seal the "Ofter to SeLl" agreement between this munici-
pali ty and John A.. Carsc_dden:. - Carried. :
Resolution N~. 110:, Moved by ,Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve that the Raeve and Clark be and are hereby authorized to
, sign and seal the "after to Sell" agreement between this munioi-
" pali ty and Edward Robert Morton. - Carried.
Reso~ut1on No. 111: Moved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve ~ha~ the Reeve and Clerk be'and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "OUer to SelL" agreement between this munioi-
pality and Richard D. M~ton. - Oarried. .
Resolution No. 112: Koved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve t~at the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and ~al the "Offer to Sell" agreement between thi~ munioi-
pality and Riohard.D. Morton. - Oarried. .
Resoiu.tionJro. ll~: MOTed by Orme Falls, seoonded ;by Lloyd Lowery:
~esolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby autho~ized to
:Sign alldaeal the "Ofter( to SeU... agreement be1;ween this munioi-
pali ty and Theodore King. - Carried.
Resolu1;ion No. 114: MOved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd LowerYI
ResGlve that the Reeve and Clerk be and a;re hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Ofter to Sell" agreement between this munioi-
pality and Jan Maartense. - Oarried.
Resolu'ion No. 115: MOved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Ofter to Sell" agreement between this munici-
pality and Hiram L. Gifford. - Carried..
; - Council l(eet1ng~ July 6, 196.5. continued:
( .
Resolution No. l16s Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve that the Reeve and Olerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the nOf~er to Sell" agreement between this munioi-
pality and John Koropatwa. - Cu-ried.
Resolution No. 117: Ibved by Orme Falls, seoonded by R.G.Ohater:
Resolve that the Reeve and Olerk be and are hereby authorized to
siiD. and seal the .Ofter to Sell" agreement between this munici-
pality and D. A. Barnett and Dorothy M. :Barnett. - Oarried.
Resolution No. 118: Moved by Or me Falls, seoonded by R.G.Chater:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" agreement between this munioi-
pality and John stone. - Carried.
J. By-Law to provide for the widening and improvement of
oertain roads desoribed. herein and tor the expropriation ot
oertain lands required therefore was read a first and seoond
time on17.
The tollowing By-Law was read a f1ra~, second and third time:
By-~aw No. l487:J. B,y-Law to authQrize the
borro.i~ of ~67tifO.OO
WHEREAS the COUlloil ot th6 .was p ot Olarke (hereinafter
oalled the "MUnioipa11ty") deems it neoessary to borrow the sum
of $267,;~O.OO to meet, until the following estimated reoeipts
under BY-law No. 14;7, as enumerated below, have been reoeived by
the said Township of Clarke and deposited at the Oanadian Imperial
Bank of Oommeroe, Orono:-
Department of Highways of Ontario Subsidy
Fo~egiveness under thelbnioipal Yorks
Assistanoe Program I 16,16'.00
Loan under the MUnioipal Works Assistanoe :
: Program I 48't06.OO
Total Estimated Reoeipts 2';, 93.00
Loan from Canadian Imperial Bank of Conmere"
Orono. for a (period of ""five years payable in
average instalments"- '6,467.40 prinoipal and
11,11;.63 interest annually J
the oapital expenditures ot the Munioipality.for the
THEREFORE the Counoil of the Township of Clarke
~naots as follows: (
1. TneHead and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf
of the Munioipality to borrow from time to time by way of
promissory note fr9m CANADItN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMER~
a sum or sums not exoeeding in the aagregate '267,~,O.OO
to meet until the said estimated reoeipts have been re-
oeived and deposited at the said Bank at Orono the oapital
expenditures of the MUnioipality.for the y'.ar~ and to give
on behalf of the MUnioipality to the Bank . promiasory
note or notes aealed with the Corporate Seal and signed
by the Head and Treasurer for the moneY8 so borreweel, wi th
interest, whioh(may be paid in advanoe or otherwise, at a
rate not exoeeding ;! per oentum per annum. "
2. All suma borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by~law
shall, with interest thereon,be a oharge upon the whole
of the revenues tot the Munioipality for the ourrent year
for five ensuing years and for ali preoeding 7earsas and
when suoh revenues are reoeived. (
J. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and direoted to apply
in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid. together with
interest thereon, allot the moneys hereafter oollected or
reoeived either on aooount or realized "in respeot of t~es
levied for the ourrent year and preoeding years or frem
any other souroe whioh may lawfully be appli~d tor suoh
4. By-law No. 148; is hereby repealed.
The 'tollowing By-Law was read a third time and finally passed,
, '
, - Counoil Meeting, luly b. 1?65. o~ntinued!
By-Law WO. l41!s to authorize the oonstruotion.
reoonstruotion, extension or
improvement of certain oapital
works in the municipality.
WHEREAS the Oorporation of the Township ot Olarke proposes
to either'oonstruct, recbnstruot, extend or improve the tollowing
capital works in the munioipality in acoordanoe with the pro-
visions ot the MUnioipal Works Assistanoe Program,
lID WHEREAS" for that'purpose the Corporation ~roposes to
make applioation tor assistance in aooordance with the terms ot
The MUnioipal Works Assistance Aot (Ontario) and the MUnicipal
Development and Loan Aot (Oanada),
AND WHEREAS the projeots are in the opinion of the Council
of the Oorporation municipal projeotsqualified for assistanoe
under the Act as they would not, without the assistanoe
rendered under said Aot, have been inoluded among the 9apital
works. Projeots to De undertaken within the oalendar years in
respeot ofwh1oh the .pplioation for assistanoe will b, made,
AID WHERIAS the works herein are to be undertaken under
the terms ot The MUnioipal ict, R.S.O. 19'0, Ohapter 249,
S.4", s..l.(b), and amendments thereto;
a by-law of the Oorporation of the Townshi~ of C~arke by the
Oounoil thereof as followsl-
1. The tollowing roads including Bridges and Culverts and
ancillary buildings shall be construoted or reconstruoted in
the tollowing locations at the tollowing estimated costa, the
details of such projeots being recited in detail in a report
made'by Totten, Sims and Assooiates Ltd. dated at the Town
of Whitby the 15th day of Maroh, 1965 and summarized for
purposes'of this by-law as follows: Estimated
"Pro ect Desori tion Looation Cost
A. Roa r . nclu US land aoqui- Lots 8/9, Concession , 33,72'.00
sition and road oon.truotion of B.F."A" '
.pproxima tely 1/8 mile in all ( ,
.%te~ding north and south of the
proposed bridge.
B. Orooked Oreek Bridge and grading Lot 10. 25.300.00
on the approaohes of the proposed Conoessions 3/4
struoture for a total distanoe of
approximately 1,100 feet.
C. The purchase of land and construc- Lot 27. 6,000.00
. tion of an add! tion to the Road Concession 5
Departmen t Mao hine Garage. The
building to be oonorete blook
810 .q~ tt. in area.
D. Sixth Concession Road inoluding Lots 17 to 20 inolu- 34,97'.00
culvert. at various looations. sive and part of Lot
(The total length is approximately 16, Conoessions 5/6
one mile. (
Total Estimated Cost $100,000.00
2. The Enginee~ing Cons~ltant for the Corporation of the Township
ot Clarke in this matter shall be Totten, Sims andtAssooiates Ltd.,
306 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario and they shall forthwith
make suoh plans, profiles, and speoifioations and furnish suoh intor-
mation as may be neoessary tor the making of a o9ntraot for the exeou-
tion of the work. Suoh plans and speoifioations to olarity in detail
the works already outlined in their preliminary report dated 15th
day 'of March 1965. (
3. !he work shall 'e carried on and exeouted under the superin-
tendenoe ant aoeording to the direotion and orders of suoh Engineering
4. The Heeve and Clerk are authorized to oause'a oontraot for the
construotion ot eaoh and every work or any oombination thdreof
to be mad, and entered into with some person or persons, firm or
oorporation, subjeot to the approval of this Counoil to be deolared
by resolution.
,. For the p~poses aforesaid the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke shall borrow upon the general oredit of the Corporation a
7 - Oounoil Meeting, ~uly 6, 196;, continued:
sum suffioient to finanoe their portion of the said works which
sum shall not exceed 128,488.00 and shall issue debentures, there-
tore, when duly authorized and a~p~oved. ' .
6. The Treasurer may (subjeot to the approval of the Oounoil)
agree with any bank or person for temporary advanoesof money to
meet the oost of the work pending the oompletion of it at ,a rate
of interest riot to exceed five and ,three-quarters per oent ('~)
per annum.
7. Any debentures to be i8sued (save those to be issued to the
Province of Ontario) for the loan to be effeoted to pay for the
oost of the work when oompleted shall bear interest at five and
three-quarters per oent.(;t~) per annum and be mad. payable within
; years on the instalment plan.
8. Tne debentures fo be issued to the Provinoe of Ontario for
the loan to be effeoted to pay for the oost of the work when
completed shall bear interest at five and three-eighths per oent
(;-3/8~) per annum and be made payable within; years on the
instalment plan.
9. In settling the sum to be raised annually to pay the debt
the rate of interest on investments shall not be estimated at
more than ;-3/8~ in respeot of the debt inourred to the Provinoe
of Ontario and ;t~ in respeot of the debt inourred to others.
Resolution No. llt: Moved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowerys
Th1s Oounoil hereOy adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 3,
196;, at 10 a.m. in the Counoil Chamber at Orono or otherw1se at
the oall of the Reeve. - Oarried.
~"'A:A~j O~ ~
Olar t' Re~e -
July 12, 19" at 8 p.m.'
. .
Oounoil'Ohambel', Orono.
Present: Reev. J.W. Stone
Counoillor R.G. Ohater .
Oounoillor O.H. Falls
Clerk H.E. Millson
Road SUperintendent M.L. Ross
R.D. Glennie, Supervisor, Toiten, Sims l Alsooi.tes Ltd..
Speoial Meeting ot Council w.a .alle4 bY'Reeve J.W. Stone
to oons1der the rollow1ng iualneaa:
Besolution No. 120: Moved. by Robert G. bhater, aeoond.d by O.H.Falls:
This Counoil hereby open the tenders as advertised tor the
proposed construction ot the Le.kard Bridge. - Carriet.
Tendera reoeived trom the tollowin8 tor the propoaed
oonstruction ot the Leakarel Bridge: ·
1. Gtmaraska Brl4ge CoiQany, Box ,6, Port Hope, Ontario.
2. .el-Ron Oonstrnotion, P.O. Box 297, Whitby, Ontario.,
'rb.e tollowin8 oorrespondenoe .aa read OU\:
1. Trustees ot the Police Village at Orono retue.' for water
maln e:z:t*naiona - Re1'erred '0 resolution.
The rol~owing resolutions .ere passed:
Resolutlon No. 12l:JIoved by Om. J'all,.eoon484 by Rebert G. Chater:
He.olTe that the tender received tram Ganaraaka Sri4S. Oompany, .
Box 9', Port Hope, Ontario, tor the oonstruetion ot the
Leakard Bridge be and. ia h.r...y aooepted as per teater, subje.t
",0 the approval' ot the Depart_itt ot Highways at Ontario, lUll
oheoking of the tend.r dooumenta by Totten, Sims and A.ssooiates.
Limitel, COnsulting Engia.era, lhitby, Ontario. - Carried.