HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1965
OJ' '.l'HE 'lonmuP OJ' OLAID
January ,. 19" at 11 ....
Ooulloil O1lam'b.r. "Orono.
Pr...." t It..ve Z. W. Stone
Deptt1 Beeve L. A.. P.rraul t
OGueoillor E. G. Ohater
4ounoiller G. If. 7all" -
GOaDoillor Lloy4 LOw.ry
Cleark: B. E. 1I1-11aoll
..all\1p.rin'.Il.....t J(.- It. Ross
'........a4 :8. E. LOD8
1Ir. R. E. Walke.,.
...,.. J. W. Stone oall.d- the ....t'1 ng 'to ord..r ud ask.a
It_.....>.. lB. Leng to ott'1oi&11y open the inaUgura1 .eeting ot
'Rllelltor tlte year 1"'. ~
._"'ioa. tro. the JIl.rn ee eondueteA by Reverend LODg are
h.r..... ...oorC..I- -'-
......... ..,. _nt.try in Orono: I have had. the privilege ot
.....*'... ..1IJ "h the members ot Oounoil at their' inaugural .eeting.
Pl.........,,, .., be.t wishe. and comgratulationa a. you return
t. .lft.. or take up new r..ponsibilities. It give. one a
ro.lt...t..o.fit1.enoe _4 t1'\1st in the men who guide the a1'taire
or _I' .~.....i..'y.wheD ti.. is taken at the begilU1i:ng of each year
,. .eta..le4g. the sovereignty of God as the year'. aotivity
oommoao08. . .
It 1. - o..'ainl.,. a rel>eti tion of previOUS oomme1\ts when you
are remi..e. that the fulfilling ot your otfice-is an honour. a
oh.lleage. a responsibility, a dedication to service and ~ trust.
ba" in the 4..ire to .erve 8. community well these things must De
slven prime importanoe.
la7 I ot~er the comments of oertain persona who have the
a)111 t1 to a.,. 'thlngs well.
'It the live. ot the.great statesmen of history teach in
o~n a 8ingle lesson, it is that nations must steer by a
oempa.s. '!'hat compaa. i. Prinoiple. We cannot ohart a ne. course
e~ry time a new problem arises. To forsake Prineiple ~or the
opportunism ot Expediency is to start a nation on the road to
..It-de.truotion. (David Lawrence.)
!'he only hope of preserving what i8 best lie. in the
praotioe ot an immense eharity. a wide toleranoe, a sinoere
respec' tor opiniona that are not oura. (P.G.Ramilton.)
!he world is mat. up of three groups of people: a small
ellt..group who m.ake things happen, a. somewhat larger group who
wa;oh things happen, and the great multitude who don't know what
happ.... (Nloholas MUrray Butler.)
God send us .en with hearts ablaze
All truth to love, all wrong to hate
!he.e are the patriots nations need.
'!'heae are the bulwarks of the State.'
Soripture: - Psalm J7: 1 - ,.
Pray.rs- God ot all power and might, the llaker and Ruler of
men; we cOlDDlend our muniolpality to the guidance ot thy' wisdom. to
the keeping of thJ' love. May the representative. whom th7 people
have ohosen to .erve thee, serve thee in honeaty of purpose and.
uprightness of lite. May they be delivered trom the leve ot pewer
an'd ho. motive. of personal gain, bless them in their responsibility
with an ever larger vision ot the truth. and an ever <leeper sense
of the demands ot ri~hteousnes.1 that through their taithfulness the
life of the people may be guided in wise polioie., and litted to
hi8her i4.als and nobler aohievements; through ~esus Ohrist our
Lord. ben.-
The following reaolution was read out by the aeeve, after whloh
h. personally thanked Reverend Long for his most appropriate serTi..:
Resolution Wo. 11 Meved by L.A.Perrault. seoonded by R.G.Chater:
This Oouncil hereBY express their appreoiation to Reverend Baail E.
Long for otfioially opening the inaugural meetiq ot the Ooun.cil ot
the Township of Olarke tor the year 1965. Oarrie<<.
\' .
2 - lanutes, Councia .e.tlngZanuary ,. 1"'. oontimne4:
In hls opening remarks the Reeve co.ented on hi. appretiat10Jl
in hav,-ng lfr. Peltrault retunne4tooffice as his p..t.zp.rt....
ti11,.,"..~IIIU'l as.et tl;o Oouae1l. He .:gres.ec1siUlilar wora. to Mr.
Chate:t alid'asked for theiroo....pe:ration in the'year 1"'.
. ' ~o Mr. Falls he re.all$4 past esperienoewithhim aa ,
Directors of the Durham. (Farmers) Oounty Co-op.rative.m. .
knowledge of looal sohool aftairs, he sa1f!" .o~4'prove".1l.tlcial
in resolving suoh business in Oounoil. '..... 'C"
-He oongratulated 1Ir. Lowery on his ..~tlon by aoolamation' to
Council and referred to his family baokgr UJl4'4Ii'.. one ot leq
expet-i$D.oe and servioe to thia 1IUnioipa11ty.:.,.~,""'"
J'1nally, the Ree,.e tauked 1Ir. H. I. lfallt.y for h1s ..ar ·
years-of. leadership and serVice in Council. '
Deputy Reeve L. J.. Perrault said hewa. glad to return
to Conneil tor another year. He oonsidere4 the past several
years hail been good ari.. expressed the hope tor suocess in ... -
year 1'6.5. ',;' - - ",,'"
Oouncillor R. G. Ohater personally thanked l.verend Long tor
his appropriate servioe and commended it to the memDers of
O,unoil.. He extended his personal Gongr...l..1.ns to th.
me.'.!'. an4 expressed h1s hope tor a succ...r.1 year in all
matter. of business perta1ning to Council.- Finally; Mr. Chatel'
remukea on the retirement ot Mr. (Earl Walk.,..
Counoillor O. H. Falls ex!>ressecl his 8ratit~d. to th.
munioipal1ty in allowins him to beelecte. to ottice anthis,
-personal. pleasure in being able to serve the '!ewnsh1p of Clarke
in this capaoity. ·
Oeu..illor Lloyd Lowery exelaimed that he ha4 heard ..
great deal ot Counoil busine.. during the yearS-he had l1ve<< at
home w1thhis Father, Mr. j~ H. Lowery. It wa. his hope, he-
said, .hat he may be ablo to oontinue the "1'amily1.11tere'st in
Couno 11.
'l'hedeolarations ofotfioe et the m.embers 'of Counoil ",ere
signed and sworn under oath "'etore the Clerk. ,. ·
fte minutes ot COUhcil aeeting,datedDe.ember 15, 1"4,
were approved as rea4 on motion by R. G. Ohater, second.' by ·
L. J.. Pe.rault. Carr1el.
'!'he Clerk was instruoted to request lIS W. H. Gibson,
~ownship ot Clarke rep~ese~tati?e to the "morial Hospital.
Bowmanv1lle, to make a general report to the A.~ll meeting ot-
It was moved by L.A..Perrault, .eooncled 'by B.G.Chator, th8.'t
.counoil r-eoessat 12 noon and resume seasiona'll 2 p.m. Carried..
Upon inT1tation by Reeve Z. If. Stone, the OOUJloil. fruste.. ami.
Employees enjoye4 an exoellent turkey dinner at Klrby Unite<<
The tollowing Oommittees ot Oounoil were appointe. by Reeve
Z. If. stone [or the year 1"'1- -
Boad. anI BrQe Oom.m1 ttee - "ssrs. Ii.J..Perrtul t and' Lioy4 Lowery.
Propertyan4~:rinance Oom.m1 1Itee - .eslIrs. R.G.Cha ter and O.B. :Pall..
Planning 00mmittee - Mr.!. G. Chater. , '
The :Reeve appointed himself as ex-attiolo member f)t all -
comm1ttees of Oounoil. "'l'hetirst named appointee of each Committee
is to aot .a Chairman. '!'he COuncil were 1n unanimous qreemen-t
of the.sai4appointments by the :Reeve.
L.J.~Perranlt moved, .eoonded byR.G.Chater, that telesat10nB
be hear4-byOounoil.- Oarrle4.
JIr. :r. Oohonskl pres.tee! a oOPY' ot his prelim!n8JT'plan 01'
subdivision on Lot ,30,OOnoeaaion " ani asked tor OO\1n1ttl'.
oonsideration and lec1sien. Counoil promise<< to reta.rnth..a1cl
plan to him at their, earliest oonvenienoe. It was oons1t,reJ
advisable to disouss the subject in question with the Plat11\h1S"
Bo& rd ... , .'
. ~ '
.. n. Clerk was asked to seoure a oOPY' ot a 4ee41n respect-to
property' in Lot 12, Oonaession 3, presumably owned by the 'rownA.
ship .t Clarke. _ , ,
It w.a moved by L.A.Perrault.'secon4e4 by R.G.Chater, that
General Voucher. No. 1 tor January 19'; and Road Voucher No. 12
tor December, 19'4, be and are hereby authorized for payment.
J .- Jf1nu:te., OOl:l.Gi~ .eet~ng January 5, 19". coatinpei:
:' n. ~e.ol:'tlti_ rcguj1_D&: the appoin1sm.ent e-r a Roa.4 Olerk tor
the year 1"'" was: r.t.r~I'to 'the Hoad and; Bl"14ge Cpmm1 1st.e and Boad
S~perintea.e1'lt -ror~tu4y ani report ~o Council., ,
In. the matter ot appointing a.WeltareA4ministrator ant!. Ichool
Attendanoe Otticer tor the :re,ar 196', the Property and finanoe
Oommitt.. ,ere authorized. to oonsider the said appointment. with
the Ol.e;rk end- report '0 Coun~i ~. . ' .,
, The Olerk quoted Seot~on 406(1) of The Municipal Act wit~
reg~4 '.paylng the members ot Oounoil, an unulll allowanoe. This
matte:r ...~ .etvred to the attention of the Auditor. .
!he tell.wing c9rrespondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Tl.J.~I'Gt~.ew.astle_ re_ .Qwplowing. - Filed. ,
2. hpe....tm.nt 01' Highyays re the :u:Lnimum Wag. .lot. - Filed.
J. "0",....lim8 c!: Associatea Ltd. re Jlmi9ipe.l Works Assistance
heft...."" .eterred to the Olerk and, Road Superintendent.
4. ,-tari. Water Resouroe. Oommission re Water Works Projeot
64-W.1JQ. - :riled. .
,. ....ob.rt Hioks re Garbage Oontraot. - 'l'he _ Beeve and Ooun-
oillor Ghater were authorized to disouss the matter of contract
with". Hioks and report toCounoil. .
,. ~, Ontario Assooiation of Rural MUnioipalities remembership
te,'i~or ~"" - F1led..
7. Robert R. Morri" Solioitor, .for Mr. Gordon Baker re conveying
ot p:rGJerty in Lot 3.5, Oonoession. 10. - Re:('erJ:e4 to the Roal
anl'Brldse Oommittee for investigation anti report to Coum,eil.
8!>>e,artment of MUnioipal Affairs re safety of public bui14insa. -
Filel. .
,. ".B..D. .orton. as business 'Drought forward from meeting ot
Deola.berl' last. - Filed.
10. h~r'ment of JIu:niei!al At:fa:!.rs ~e ~pprqval of Winter Works
Projeot 0-782.- :rilel. t
11. Report of Finano. Oommitte. brought forward from m.e~ing on
Dee ember 1', 1,64, with regard to the Township Hall septio
*,.Ite.. - Beterre4 \0 the 196,5 Finanoe Committee for investiga-
ti.~~. ~eport to Oounoil. t
12.~epartme:nt o~ HUnioip'al _Atfairs re Munioipal Works Assistanoe
Program )fo. A-134. - Filed. _ . _ .
IJ. Of~ic. of 'he~i~e Marshal as business brought torward trom
the m~eting ot December 1', 1,64.- Filed. ' ,
14.0ff1oe of the Fire Marshal re prejeot submission (ot purchase
ot additional munioipal tire pumper. - Filed. _
1". Jep'&r'hlent. 0.1' H1ghw.,s of Ontario r-. ~urohase of used l'WD
t}."Uolt as 1)l~11,;nes' brought tOl"Warct from Deoember l' last. - Filed.
l' .We.'l!'thumberl(and .1 Durham ;Health J1ni.t report for November 1964.
:rile!. .' . '
17. !he Ihsoular Dystrophy Assooiation of Oanada request f~r
81'.". ~ Filet.
18. Bewmanville Area Ambulance Serg:loe request :fer Olarke to, .
p.rt~.~).t..- J(eaars. Stope. P~rraultand Ohater .e~e authorized
. to at,ep4 the next .e.till8 ot the Area Ambulance Oomm1 tt.e to
investigate the matter in qpestion ~nd.report baok to Oounoil.
1'. Department of Highways of Ontario re proposeC sile.alk con-
struotion in the Hamlet of .ewtonvillec'. - :t'able4.
20. Department ot H1ghwaya.of Ontario re oopy of 'ho Audit
Beport on the roal expendit~res.tor the year 1"'. - Filed.
11. Canadian J(ent~l He8.l'h, Assooiation, Ontario Division. ..
business brought forwar4 trom Deoep1ber 15, 19pJ. - 7iled.
22. Z. Riohard Lovekin re Highways 11' and JJ, roact al1ow~ce
between Leats 34 and JJ. aa \)u"inesa brought torwarc1 frem meeting
of November 16, 1"4. - leferre4 to th, 19" Road and Bridge
Oomm1 t"ee.
I}. Central Lake Ontario Oonservation Authority re minutes of
.e.ting clate4-WGYem'er 2', 1964. - Filed. _ .
24. Oro.. Oemetery loart re .ertitioate of ownerShip. - Filed.
a,. Depart.e.t of Eoonomio. 6 Deyelopment re O~nterenoe on
Regional Development and Economio Ohange, as busitlesa brought
forward tro. Deoember 1" 1,64.- No Aotion.
~ .." ~..
4 - JI1nates. OOUlloil 'lIeeting January .5. 196.5. continuels'
!he follOWing Re~olution8 .erepassel by Oounoils
Resolution.e. 2:'J(ovd ."':rL. A. PerrauJ:t, rseoonde4 by L..L".ITI,
The RoalClerk be and is hue"by 'authorizect 'to complete the .
neeessar,. 'forms apply1na'tortheH1ghway Subsidy on road .ezpenai-
:turesin "tlIe year 1"".- :Carriet.". :" "_,' ,
Resolution No. . 3s .0v~c1;>'r L.Lo"ery, ..oonded by O.Falla:
'lhatThe Musoular D1'atroph7':lssociallion ot Canada be given a
grant :Of$15.00 tQrthe ':real' I"'. '- qarriect.: - ~,
Resolution No. of: lIovect'by rL.Lowery, a..ona... 'y O.Pal:lsr
1b:e -Cleric 'be and 1s hereby in.truete' to a4verti.. in the Orono
Weekly ~i.es and Oanadian Statesman for .p>>;10ation. for1rarble
Fly Iaspecrtor for the year 1"". oJ.pplio,e;tio.. :to, be reoei ved
betore Ye~"ary 2, 196,. Applicants to at~te remuneration
expeoted. - Oarried.
Resolution Wo. ,: Ibve4 by R.G.Chater, .econde4hy O. Fallss
The Road Superintendent, Roa~ and Bri4l_ eommittee and Olerk
be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Boads ~onTention With _
upense. pa1d and the membership he ot 11'.08 'Ire "Pai4. . - Oarried.
Re.olution No.6: Jl)ve4 iy R.G.Ohater, seconded by L.Lowerys
tn aocordanoe with By-law BO'. 1424, a by-law 'regarding the
appointment- of the Olarke Plannin.-g i30ard ieiD.I :aBaar4 with
jurisdiction over the Clarke Plannirrg .A.r.~, this Oouncil hereby
appoint the following persona:
-1.. .1' .W.Ston.., 1l.R.North Orono. tot' the: year 1965.
" " '2.- R.G.Chater, "Leskard, tor the year 196," . -
3. a.O.Simpson, R.R.2: Newcastle · .
who sha'll' hold ottice until the l'St. day ot.Tanuuy 1.96~8. .. Carried.
Resolution NO.7: )loved by L.A.Perrault, .econclea by O.Falls:
!fhat llesBra. R.O.rorrester, D.M.Simpson and H.M.Meroerbe an4
they are hereby appointed as aBoard ofllanagemem.t ~or theOonm.nmity
Recreation Oentre under By-law No. 1341, and thisOouncil'hereby
appoint lIessrs. J.W.Stone an~ Lloyd Lowery to represent this
Oounoil as .embers ot the Board of Management o~ the said, Oommu-
hity Recreation Oentre. . The aboTe appointme~ts' are- to ho14 '
ottlc. for the year 196, or until their suo....ol's' shall be ,
appointed. - Oarried. .,
" Besolution No.8: Moved by L.LoWery, '.econded by O. J'alls:
. Resolve that the Reeve and Oler~ be and are hereby authorized
aa sl'gning ottieerll wfth regar4 to the agreement.etween this
tmlnic1pa11ty and North Shore Realty Oompany" Limited dated-
Deoember 1.5, 1964. - Oarried. ,
llesolutfonl"o.'?: "vea by L.1..Perrault,seeonde4 by 1l.G.Ohater:
'fhiaeolU1oil hereby,authorlze the"Canadian Imper1al-Bokot. ,. .
Oo.ero" Orono, to loan the Orono Community "morial Park Boart
an amoullt Bot eXf)eeeling 11,800;.00 tor the year 1,6, .~nd oharge the
sa14Be,ard the ~a1lingrate or ~nter..t. - Carried. .
R..OlutiOn.e. lOt-Kov.d b7 L.Lowery, seeonde4bt O.Fall~1
&ea01.. that, the ~rea.urer and 'the R.eve or DeputY R.~y.' of the,
~own8hip ot Olarke be given tlle .eoes,sary al1tho~1zati~llwi"h the
Ca1iali~ Imperial Bank: ot Oommeroe,' Orono, to 40 bueiD... ,~i,D,. , -
aooordanoe with the sa14 lank torm 141-61 Ontario her.with '
r oompleted by the leeve andOlerk and Sealed. -., Oarried'.
BesolutioJ'l Bo. 11: lIo.ed BY B.o..Ohater. aecGll4ea 'by O~Falls:
That .T...8tone ancl'L..&:.Perrl.ult 'be udare hereby appoint,clto
the Township of Olarke High Sahool eomm.1 tt.. 'ror ,th6 y.ul.9"
or until the 4uration ot the said Committe. whichever ahall be
the sooner. - Carried."
aesolution lJ.o". 121 -lIoTecl 'byL~A.P.rrault, "econde4 by L.Lowe17 I
That B.(J.Ohatttr ancl O.H.Fall."'e and are hereb7 appointec1,aa
t represe.tative. from Counoilto the-Township of Olarke GP,e .
. Oomm1saion'for the year 1"'~ The Oommission to benotitle4
accorc1.ingl:r by the Clerk. - Oarried. . ' .
Resolution No. 11: JIoved by L.A.:rerrault, .eoonded by Fl.G.Ohater'l
That lIPII. w. It . i bson, R.E.2 New...tle, Ontario. be and is
herebyappointedaa representative 'ror ~he year 196, for the
Townshi-p.t Cls;rke toth, Boar4 of !he Memorial Hospital, Bewman-
ville. - Carried.
J - _"'.., 'G....f.~ '...t~q *a1111.8J7 ,. 19'"o.lltt1l\le41
1l..Olut1oJl~B..,'1A & "v", ll,. O. Falls, s.~ClJl"ed ay L.Loweryt
fta".,,_;B....a..Jlo,s".r. ta.Jt.~Jte:nC\..l.. Ontario, llt!. al!poin"e" to
the G...._.a lle8ioD.'Colls.n'atioIlAuthority for the year 19" an4
,the sll~4A\1'horl ty'be D..title! ot"hts Q,Gintm.ent., - Oarried.
Besolutt:call... l't Move4' 'by B.('h Ohat.r, . JJ~COnde". 'by' L.....P.rraul tt
This Oo__11>!iereby grot thEt DurhaDl County J'un~or .Yarmera the
amol1Jlt .tIJJ.oO tor the year,19". - Carrie<<.
B..olattenlfo. 1': Ifove" by 0.. .Falls, secondea. by L..Lolrery:
'rhatDr..Ai.:J'",JItXenzie, Orono, Ontari.o , 'be appoi~t.C\ Indigent
.edl..,....ttic.r tor the TownShip of Olarke for the year 196.,. -
BesOl~'...O. 17:KOvel 'b.,L1A.P~rrault, seconde" by R.G.Ohater.,
Ia oo~",'ywfih the Live l:Stook and Dogs Prottection,.A.ct t1l1a
Couaoll _,,.int O.J.Allin as Live Stook Valu\r tor the, ~orporatt~.
of 1J~.;.,~.~.ip of Clarke ~or the 'y~ar 1965 and :tha.t the te. to,"
eaoh~~'J.llallD. 1..00. - Carrie4.
B..1JI'.a.. . 18: ."vea by R.G.Chat.r, seoonded by L.Loweryl
. 1l.~~:..',., ;.t.e1Jol\e and L.....Perrault be and are hereby appoin~."
a...~~~~..l.repr.s.ntative.: to The. !take Ontario Dev:elopment Asao-
.1~~loJ1'''ol' the year 1"'. - Carriecl. '
a..>,~"l../..~ 1'1 Move..4 by R.G.Chat"er, seconded by 0.Fal18.:
flt.....R.....iih By-law No. 1;52 the following Jersons be an"
ar. hereby appointea to the Orono ~ommunlty Memorial Park Boar" tor
th...rJ,,~.~!~'1 .&..E.W.s' (Ohairman)., .~.~.Merc.rl' S.B.Rutherford.,
1I.Et.8ill.el:. Alma Cuttell, (S~cretary-T_r.asure.rI,. J.,.Stone, L.A. .
Perrault. - Oarrie... ..... .
Resolution Bo. 201 MDvea by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chaterl
Resolve that it be recommend.a to the Police Trustee. of the
Vll~,~eot' Orono .to. pre.ent their. 'c!1rr.ent budget. r~'qufrements to
'."_'~~Boal and Bridge Oemmittee and the Finance and Property
OCPl1d.t'..betore the end of February for presentatiQn to the
re~a~.eeting of Council in Maroh. A. oertiti.ed ~opyof this
rtl~ll.l"ion ie reterred to the Police Trustees. - Carried..
._l~$.!.11 No. 211 Jl)ved b.y L.A.Perrault, .seconded Dyo R,G.Chaterl
B...1....that J.W.Stone De ud is hereby appointed a. a Welfar~
Committee to be given the necessary authority to disous~ all
matters. in conpection with weJ.fare a~sistanoe durins the year 19".
- Oarr-iel.
le.elu.tlon "0. 22a J(ovect by R.G.Ohater, seoonded by L.A..Perraultl
n..,....O.Et.talls, R.R.l Newtonville, Ontario, 'be and is hereby
appointea aa the repre.entative from. this Counctl on ~he Durham
00..'1' F~d~ration ef Agriculture tpr. the year 19~5..- Carried.
Be.elutlon .,. III Mov.d 'by L.A.Perrault, seoo.ntl.4 by L.Lowery:
1..Ive ,that, R.G.Chater be and i. hereby appof.,te~ a. a ~ember of
the TOWBBhip' 01' Olarke Fire Proteotion Committee to .ork in
conJunotion with the Jerson similarly appointed 1~ the year 196,
by the Trust.~s of the ~o110~ Villaee of Orono.:'. ,opy of this
re.oluttoR De referred to the Seoretary of the Polioe Village of
Or.ca..,... 'Carried..
.esol.tio. ... 241 J(ove~ by L...Perrault, seoonded by L.LowerYI
le.lTe-fiat the Reeve and..C'lerk be and are hereby authorized te
silD. anA&;reement ot Option, dated. the ;Oth.day of December, 1,6..
to pur.~..e land. in 10t 21, Ooncession 5, Clarke, between thia
umnioi:pa~~.~j and Mr. Lawrenoe Hooey: - Oar~i,d.' . ..
lle.oJ.l1'l..~... 2J: ave" byR.G.Chater, seconded by L.A..Perrault,
Res.lveGal, ~e Oanat1ian J(ental Health A.ssociation, Ontario Division.,
be and 1. hereby granted 11'.00. - Carried._ .
B..~t........ 26a ~v.d(by R.G.C~ater, seoonde~ by.L.A..Perraultt
R.so,!.~aithe keys to the Counoii Ohamber whioh were :pr~sent.<<
D, H. ..'t Wlkey to Reeve J.W.Stone be apprepriate1y marked "Be'le,
'fowall1\1.$,et Olarke" and thereatter presented to the 1nooming.Ree,..
- Oarr'il~ - .
~.l~'l.'JfQ. - 21.! )(ove~ by t.A.Pez:rault, seoo~det1.by L.Lewery, '
e 'e~t~~Ittm1~ strator(and. Wel:tare.CC?mm~ttee be.anq tlteyar.
hereD,~!,.r.4 and autherlzed to make contingent expendi turea .~Jl
~.ap.eot ~..<~e applioation of general welfare regulations in th..".....
19" but 'aot to excee. 1200.00 in total for the ~eriod of any ~~~th
in the said year.- Oarried.
, - Mlnu"e., Oounoil .e.t1q January" 196',001l'inue4:
t - t ,. t
Resolution No. 28: JIove4 81' L.A. 'Perrault. s.colldedCby O. )'al1.:
tn aooordance with By-law No. 1}42 this Oounoil hereby ,resolv.-
that Messrs. R.G.Ohater anel Llo74 Lowery be an4arel1er.by'appo1Jl_
ted to the BOar4 O,f Jluase.eat of the Orono COIlDllU.Jlity_ 'Sill tor ,11..
year 196.5 togetherw1 th the tOllowiq C1d41'ellow8 for "the : year.
196.5 anrei 1966: ..G.1fatson, J'~Graham.. :II.B.Bainey., and th..tollo.ins
Heather Bebekahs tor the yeU' 1",: Meadamea Hattie lfilsOllU4
Gladys Gamsby. It 18 underat:ood that three representativea of the
Orono Oddfellow$ shall' be appointed in. the odd ,.ears and t.o
representatives of the Orono Rebekahs bea~inted' in the even yeara
-. to this Board ot Jlana.gement. :. . .'" ~
" .. (
fte- :toll_ing 'by-law8 were given tiret, a800nd. ,and third
realing"and tinally pas.e4, .
SupplemfttuYBy'-La. No. 1466& ifo Authori.e the Borr~~:lng ot
Whereas the Oouncil ot the Township "1' OlarkeChereinafter
oalled the .MUnicipal~ty.) teems 1t necessary to borrow the sum ot
. $2.5,000.00 to meet, untll the taxes are Golleoted,the ourrent .
expenditures ot the MUnioipality for the year;
And Whereas the to'..alaaount ot the estl_ 'led revenues of the
, (
MUnioipal1ty as .etforth in the estimates a40ptet tor the year
1964, not i~oluding revenues teriTable or ..rived from the sale
ot assets, borrowings or issu.s ot "eienture. or from a surplus,
inoluding arrears of taxes and prooee"a tro~ the ~ale or asset.,
is $JOO.OOO.OO ,. ..
, An4 ner8as the total alllOnt heretotoreautherIae4 to be
borrowed this year :tor the purposes mentioned. in aull..otion (1)
01 Seotlon 32, of The IIt.1nioipal .lot is .,0.000.00, of Which the
MUnioipality has already borro.." a total of .'0,000.00 .
!hret6re'the Oouncil of \he Township of 01arke hereby ena01s
as f 0110.. S '. t", " .
1. The Hea<< add the Treasurer are "hereby authorized on behalf of
the Kunioipa11 ty to borrow trem. ti..' to t1Ine by way ot promissory
note trom. Oanadian IDlperialBank ot dommeroe a sum or sums not
exoeedii1g in -ehe aggregate 11.1$.000.00 te meet until the taxe.
are oolleoted the.ourrent ezpellditur.s ot the Municipality for the
year, in.oludin$ th~. amounts. required tor the purp.se. mentione"
in subsection (1) of Seotion 32, ot the Muniolpal A.ct, alld to
give on b.h~lf of the IUnioipality to the Bank, a promissory note
or note. se,ale" with the Oorporate S~al and signed by the Head ~d
Treasurer for "the moneys so borrowed, with interest. whioh may be
paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exoee4ing 5-3/4 per
' oeD. tum per annum. .
2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the aut~ority of this by-law, aa
wellas al~ other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years
trom the said Bank for any or all of the purposes ~entioned in
the, said Seotion 329, shall, wi th interest ther8:0n, pe a oharge
upon the whole of the revenues of the lfuniolpality for the ourr.nt
ye81" ..41 for all preoeding years as and when suoh. x.:evenues ate
rec ei vel.
3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and direoted to apply in
payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, toget_er with interest
thereon, all of the moneys hereafter colleoted. or reoeived either
on aecount or realize~in respect of taxes levied for the cutrent
year and preoeding years or tram any other souro. whioh may]aw-
fully be applied for suoh purpose.
By-Law No. l46Z& To Authorize the Borrowi
Wherea. t eouno 0 e owns p 0 are ere nafter
oalled the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the aum of
11'0.000.00 to meet, until the taxes are cOlleoted., the Ourrent
expenditures of the MUnioipality tor the year;
And Whereas the total amoUllt of the estimated. revenue. of the
MUnioipality as set forth in the estimates adopted tor the year
1965, not inoluding revenue. derivable or "erived from the sale
of assets, borrowIngs or iasues of debentures or from a surplus,
including arrears of taxes and prooeeds from the sale of assets,
is 1300.000.00 '
Theretore the Oounoil ot the Township of Olarke hereby enaot.
as follow.:
'I - .....t.., CouIlOi:f...'fng ZaD.l1.a~ ,. 1"', contill.e<<t
1.. '!he Rea4 ut the 'l'r'asurer ar' Hereby autho:riize4 Oil 'ehalt- of the "
IlU.n101>>&11 \7 '"to DOlTOwf'rem tll1.& to "t1me by way ot promissory note
fromOaaa41u.%1ger1al Bank of' Oommeroe a sum or "um. not exoeeaill8
in the qgr.sate 11'0,000.00 to meet until the tue. are 0011eote4
the ourrent, expend1 ture. of the 1I1nioipali ty for th,e ,.ear. illoluting
the _OUIl.". requi~ed fo't 'ti'he (p.urposEts ntentionecl -inau'baeotion (I')
of Section}2, of the MUnioipal Aot, and to give on b.half ot the
MUnleipallty to th.~. promissory note or note. .eal.4 With the
Corpera'e S.al and signed by the Head and Treasarer tor the ..n87s
so 'Mrrcnrei,with interest, whioh may be paid in alvano. or other-
wise,. -.'.. rate not aoeeding '-3/4 peer oentum per annum.. .'
2. .&11' a.is borrowect ~l1r8Uant to the ~uthori ty of this by-law, aa
w.11...atall other sums borrow.d in ,th1"s year and in previous le.rs
troa -tlt..aid Bank for any or all o'f the purpea.s mentioned inth.
sa14-S..i'i...J29. .hall. w1. th interest thereon, b. a oharge upon
tb.e.hol~.ot the revenues of the Mln101pality tor the ourrent year
an4:~!l1 preo.ding years as and when suoh revenues are reoeive".
J. fti.!r.a~er is. hereby authorized and direbted to apply in
paymen".'all sums borrowe'" as afor.said, tog.therwith intere.'
thereoJl,al1.ot the moneys hereafter oolleoted or reoeived either
on ....u..."or.r.aliz.4 in reapeot of taxes levied for the ourrent
""raJ1~ 'prec.eding y.ars or fiom any other sourc. ..hioh may law..
:tul.lJ' 'eap)1ie4 -ror such purpose. '
!I...~"...; 1468: A by-law to appoint Pound Keepers al1~ Fence
,.' , .. ,..'. ' Viewers in the TownShip G>f Olark. (
Th.~1.1p.1 Oouncil at the Oorporation of the TownsAip of Olarke
.....,"'. . aa ':toll.w. I
Th.to:n;.~W1n! persons be and are hereby appointed Poun4 Keepers:
1. Clinton B~o.n{ 2. Wiltret Wood J. A. UcKay
4. Warren Oarson ,. Wm. Hale, Sr. 6. w~. Ourtis
7. La-..nce Harri. 8. H. Coatham ,. BOy M.roer
loa.. Pow.ll 11. Les. R.id 12. Austin Turner
I) 'aok Beid 14. Donald Staples 1;. Roy Ooohrane
l' 10'1 Berry 17. E. H. Bryson 18. Harold Hansberry
l' ta.ren~e Hooey 20..Stanley Ball
!hat lhe duties of the abovenam.d Offio.rs shall be performe" a.
provite" \'1 statutes in that 'behalf and the by-law. of this muni-
That the tollcnringpersons be appointed Fenoe View.ra:
1. Harola Dean 2. Donald Stapleton J. Arthur Thompson
'fhat 1ib.eDuti.s of the abovel'1amed Office?s shall be pertormed as are
prC)Y1de4 by statut.s in that b.half and the by-law. of this munioi-
pality. -
,1 {j. Restricte" Area :BJ'-Law, now under seoond r.ading, 1fa.
disou,s.e4 and tabled tor further consideration in meeting with the
Pl.amii D8 Boar<<.
I.solution No. ~'t lOved by Lloyd LoweTY, seo~nded by O. Falls:
T1ils~ouno1l h.r.by adjourn to me.t again on Tuesday, February 2.
1"'. at 10 a.m.' in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise at
the oall of the R.eve. Carried. .
R ...
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