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TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a meeting of Council held on December 12, 2005
a) Clint Cole - Waiving of Fees to Construct a Garage
Receive for Information
1-1 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - 2006 Interim Regional Property Tax
1-2 Ulli Watkiss, City Clerk, City of Toronto - The Toronto Drug Strategy Report
I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Older Adult Association Board of Directors Meeting dated
December 9,2005
I - 4 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee
meeting dated November 8, 2005
I - 5 Marika Hare, General Manager, Central Region, Enbridge Gas Distribution - Winter
Warmth Fund
Council Agenda
- 2-
January 16, 2006
I - 6 Lakeridge Health - Ontario College of Family Physicians Community Teacher of the
Year Award
I - 7 Debi Bentley, City Clerk, City of Pickering - Position of Chair of the Regional
Municipality of Durham
I - 8 Durham Strategic Energy Alliance - Supply Mix Advise Report
1-9 Ernie Hardeman, MPP, Oxford and John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Bill 206, Ontario
Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, 2005
I - 10 Roger Har""er, Regional Director, Ministry of Transportation - 407 East
Environmental Assessment
I - 11 John Gray, Mayor, City of Oshawa - New Regional Transit System
I - 12 Douglas Newson, Director, Central Region, Statistics Canada - Census of Canada
I - 13 John Tory, MPP, Leader of the Official Opposition - Bill 37, tiThe Disrespect for
Taxpayers Act"
1-14 Terryl Tzikas, Secretary, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee - Santa Claus
I - 15 Beth Gignac, Chair, Play Works Partnership - "The Cost of Excluding Ontario's Youth
From Play" A Call to Action Report
I - 16 Martha A. Pettit, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax -
Services Available at the Ajax-Pickering Hospital
I - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Agriculture Advisory Committee Meeting dated
November 10, 2005
I - 18 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee Meeting dated November 18, 2005
I - 19 Federation of Canadian Municipalities - President of the Federation of Canadian
I - 20 Chris Conti, Executive Director, Friends of Second Marsh - Friends of Second Marsh
Wetlands and Wildlife Official Newsletter
1-21 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Question on the 2006 Municipal Ballot
1-22 Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge - Pay Assurance
1-23 Mike Colle, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration - The Ontario Volunteer Service
Council Agenda
- 3-
January 16, 2006
1-24 William Harford, MROO Alternate Zone 4 - Purchasing Memberships
I - 25 Ian Macnab, CAO, Kawartha Conservation - 2006 Healthy Waters Calendar
1-26 Roger Anderson, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario - 10ih Annual
I - 27 Gerry Chaput, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Transportation - School Crossing Guards
1-28 John O'Tooie, MPP, Durham - Bill 169
1-29 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Bill 206
1-30 Gary Vandergaast, Project Manager, Port Hope Area Initiative - Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Management Office
I - 31 Michael Young, Chairperson, Government Relations Committee, Scugog Chamber of
Commerce - Healthcare Funding
I - 32 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Meeting dated
December 15, 2005
1-33 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Ontario Municipal Board Reform
1-34 Sylvia Terpstra, Director of Education, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board -
2005 Director's Report
I - 35 The Centre for Land and Water Stewardship and the Oak Ridges Moraine
Foundation - Caring For Your Land, A Stewardship Handbook for Oak Ridges
Moraine Landowners
Receive for Direction
D - 1 John Greenfield, Veterans Service Officer, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 178,
Bowmanville - Veterans Street Name Sign Program
D - 2 Donna Donaldson, Durham Region Home Builders' Association - New Homes Month
D - 3 Ronald Armstrong, Armstrong Harrison Associates - Request to Waive Part Lot
Control Fees
D - 4 Paul Jones, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby - Highway 407 East Extension
D - 5 Jerry Marion, Clerk, Town of Essex - The Negligence Act R.S.O. 1990
D - 6 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Uploading of Provincial Program
Council Agenda
January 16, 2006
D - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Residential Solid Waste Collection
D - 8 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston - Utilities Outreach Position
D - 9 Martha A. Pettit, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax-
Question on the 2006 Municipal Election Ballot
D - 10 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Gasoline Sector
D - 11 Brian Knott, City Solicitor/Clerk, City of Sarnia - Property Taxes
D - 12 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Rouge Valley Health System
D - 13 Phil Sled, Mayor, Township of Severn - Coldwater Canadian Heritage Museum
D - 14 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa - General Motors Corporation
D - 15 Brain Knott, City Solicitor/Clerk, City of Sarnia - MPAC Assessment
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 9, 2006
2. Confidential Report ADMIN-01-06 - Personnel Matter
3. Verbal Confidential Report of the Solicitor - Legal Matter
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 12, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers.
Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Mutton
Councillor A. Foster
Councillor D. MacArthur
Councillor P. Pingle
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor J. Scheil
Councillor C. Trim
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella (attended until 8:15 p.m.)
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (attended until 8:15 p.m.)
Director of Planning SerVices, D. Crome (attended until 9:12 p.m.)
Solicitor, D. Hefferon (attended until 9:12 p.m.)
Director of Operations, F. Horvath (attended until 8:15 p.m.)
Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid (attended until 9:12 p.m.)
Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano (attended until 8:15 p.m.)
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor (attended until 9:12 p.m.)
Director of Emergency Services, G. Weir (attended until 8:15 p.m.)
Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, H. Keyzers (attended until 8:15 p.m.)
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Foster indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect
to Item #3 of Report #1.
Councillor Pingle indicated that she would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect
to a property matter to be discussed during the "closed" session.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-541-05
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on November 28, 2005, be
Mayor Mutton presented Bill and Lesli-Anne Bagg with the 2005 Grand Champion and
Grand Reserve Champion Christmas Trees Award.
Fred Mandryk, Principal, John M. James Public School along with Roberta Youngs
Ransom and Cathy Abraham, School Board Trustee appeared before Council to
discuss the Character Education Program. They provided a power point presentation
highlighting the following:
· How they started;
. The process;
· Choosing the attributes;
· What is Character Education;
· Clarington - A Community of Character;
· Action Plan;
· Who are the target groups;
· Individuality and Cohesiveness;
· Statement of purpose; and
· Since they started.
They are requesting that Council pass a resolution declaring the Municipality of
Clarington as a Community of Character.
Resolution #C-542-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the order of the agenda be altered to consider the presentation pertaining to the
Character Education Program at this time.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-543-05
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the Municipality of Clarington be declared a Community of Character,that is, a
community where respect, responsibility, honesty, integrity, empathy, fairness,
initiative, perseverance, courage and optimism are attributes championed by
Resolution #C-544-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the addition of a delegation.
Resolution #C-545-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT Mike Black be added as a delegation to address Report CLD-048-05.
David Kelly, Chairman, Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee presented the
2006 Accessibility Plan in accordance with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Mr.
Kelly highlighted the past activities of the Committee and outlined future plans.
Annie Krabi appeared before Council regarding Report CLD-047-05 - Order to
Restrain - Krabi. Ms. Krabi advised that her German shepherd, Snoopy is 1 % years
old and is in frequent contact with people. She noted that she hosts church functions
on her property all the time and that she has never had to worry about her dog with
visitors or children. She requested that the Order to Restrain be withdrawn.
Karen Darling appeared before Council regarding Report CLD-048-05 - Order to
Restrain - Demers. Ms. Darling requested that the Order to Restrain be upheld and
noted that she and her family no longer walk down the street where the incident
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Michael McFadden was present to answer questions related to Confidential Report
Resolution #C-S46-0S
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the order of the agenda be altered to allow for the consideration of Confidential
Repor. CLD-OSO-OS at this time.
Resolution #C-S47-0S
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Confidential Report CLD-OSO-OS be received; and
THAT the usual municipal practice be approved.
Mike Black appeared before Council on behalf of Nancy Demers regarding Report
CLD-048-0S. Mr. Black stated that their dog is only a puppy and he believes that the
dog was attempting to play with Ms. Darling's dog. He is requesting that the Order to
Restrain be withdrawn.
Resolution #C-S48-0S
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the order of the agenda be altered to allow for the consideration of Reports
CLD-04 7 -OS and CLD-048-0S at this time.
Report #2 - Report CLD-047-0S - Order to Restrain - Krabi
Resolution #C-S49-0S
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT Report CLD-047-0S be received;
THAT the Order to Restrain serviced on Anne Krabi be withdrawn; and
Council Meeting Minutes
THAT Annie Krabi, Barb Jenkins and Ian Monteith be advised of Council's decision.
Report #3 - Report CLD-048-0S - Order to Restrain - Demers
Resolution #C-SSO-OS
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT Report CLD-048-0S be received;
THAT the Order to Restrain served on Nancy Demers be upheld; and
THAT Nancy Demers and Karen Darling be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-551-05
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved as per the
agenda, with the exception of Item 1- 8,1-10, 1- 12, 1- 13, 1- 14 and 1-1S.
I - 1
Carol Grylls, Planning Committee Secretary, Region of Durham,
advising Council that the Region of Durham on November 1S, 200S,
passed the following resolution regarding Smart Commute:
"a) THAT Report #200S-P-88 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received for information; and
b ) THAT a copy of Report #200S-P-88 of the Commissioner of
Planning be forwarded to the eight area municipalities."
1- 2
Martha A. Pettit, Manager Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax, advising Council that the Town of Ajax, on November 28, 200S,
passed a resolution urging the Council of the Regional Municipality of
Durham to implement a suggested fare structure for the new Regional
Transit system.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
1- 3
1- 4
1- 5
1- 7
1- 9
I - 11
L 11.GE
Lakeridge Health Corporation, providing a copy of the Report of the
Advisory Panel to the Board of Trustees of Lakeridge Health
Minutes of the Clarington Older Adult Association Board of Directors
MeAting dated November 18, 2005.
Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade Meeting dated November 16, 2005.
Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee
Meeting dated October 20, 2005.
Kim Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog, advising Council that the
Township of Scugog concurs with the Municipality of Clarington's
resolution regarding opposition to Pay Assurance.
Marika Hare, Enbridge Gas Distribution, providing Council with a copy of
the latest issue of enLink, Enbridge Gas Distribution's newsletter
focused on the municipal level of government.
John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, providing
Council with the reporting requirements for the 2005 Municipal
Performance Measurement Program (MPMP). The formal requirements
for MPMP under Section 299 of the Municipal Act will come into effect
on January 1, 2006.
Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Culture, providing Council with a copy of
Strengthening Ontario's Heritage: An introductory guide to identifying,
protecting and promoting your community's heritage.
Martin de Rond, Director, Legislative and Information Services/Town
Clerk, Town of Ajax, advising that the Town of Ajax on November 24,
2005, passed the following resolution:
"1. THAT Council advise the Minister of the Environment and the
Regions of York and Durham that the Town of Ajax has a direct
interest in the Environmental Assessment (EA) being conducted
by the Regions to expand the Duffin Creek Water Pollution
Control Plan (WPCP), given the proximity of this project to the
Ajax community (within one kilometre) and its position relative to
our community (upwind and upstream);
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
2. THAT Council request the Regions to provide to Town staff the
detailed information produced through Phases 1 to 4 of the EA
process, including but not limited to:
a) the proposed design and operation of the expanded
WPCP, particularly how the release of untreated and
partially treated sewage into Lake Ontario will be
prevented (especially during periods of heavy
b) potential air and water emissions, the Federal and
Provincial environmental standards and any higher
standards being applied voluntarily by the proponents;
c) background water quality information and the existing and
predicted coastal conditions in Lake Ontario;
d) the findings of the peer reviewers; and
e) the Environmental Study Report (ESR);
3. THAT Co~ncil request the Regions of York and Durham to
release the Environmental Study Report (ESR), including all
technical information and all peer reviewers' findings, to Town
staff for review over a period of not less than 180 days, to allow
for a thorough technical review and reporting back to Council with
findings and recommendations;
4. THAT Council request the Ministry of the Environment to provide
sufficient funds to the Town of Ajax to peer review the ESR and
related information;
5. THAT Council request the Regions take a more proactive
community consultation program about the findings of the EA
process prior to completion of Phase 4 of this EA process;
6. THAT Council express to Durham Region the concern that the
existing Duffin Creek WPCP may be contributing to the escalating
frequem~y of beach closures at Rotary Park (100% in 2005):
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
7 . THAT Council request the Region of Durham to provide sufficient
funding to the Regional Health Department in the 2006 budget to
investigate and identify sources of bacterial pollution (e.g. human,
waterfowl) causing the beach at Rotary Park to be closed due to
poor water quality and recommend how the Region, the Town
and others can effectively address the problems;
8. THAT a copy of this report be send by the Clerk to the
Honourable Laurel C. Broten, Ontario Minister of the
Environment, and the Clerks of the Regional Municipality of York,
Durham, the Cities of Pickering and Oshawa, the Town of Whitby
and the Municipality of
9. THAT funding be provided to the Toronto and Region
Conservation Authority, in conjunction with Environmental
Canada and Health Canada, to conduct a comprehensive study
a) the existing and predicted ecological conditions in the
waters of Lake Ontario along TRCA's entire waterfront and
as far east as the Ajax water supply plant (e.g. water
quality, water quantity, and background levels and sources
of contaminants, aquatic environment);
b) the existing and predicted background levels of
contaminants (e.g. toxins) along the Ajax waterfront,
including identifying the contributions from sewage
treatment facilities, creek mouths and other sources;
c) the potential cumulative impacts of emissions from sewage
treatment plants, stormwater runoff facilities, creek mouths
and planned and ongoing remedial works (e.g. deflector
arms, RAP activities) in the City of Toronto and elsewhere
on water conditions at downstream communities, including
the Town of Ajax;
d) all potentially harmful and toxic chemicals bioaccumulating
in the study area as a result of various sources, including
the Pickering Nuclear Plant, and identify and threats to
public health, including the drinking water provided at the
Ajax water supply plant; and
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12,2005
1- 20
1- 22
1- 8
e) produce a report making recommendations with respect to
improving Lake Ontario's water quality, including
recommendations to the Federal and Provincial
governments respecting the establishment of higher
environmental standards for waterborne emissions from
sewage treatment plants; and
10. - THAT a copy of this report be sent by the Clerk to the Right
Honourable Stephane Dion, Federal Minister of the Environment,
Mark Holland, MP, Wayne Arthurs, MPP, the Chair of the
International Joint Commission, the Chair of the Canadian Great
Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, and the City of Toronto."
Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre meeting dated
December 2, 2005.
Arthur Anderson, Director, Municipal Relations, Municipal Property
Assessment Corporation, providing Council with materials that were
distributed at the 2005 Annual Meeting at the Counties, Regions and
Single Tier Municipalities, and District Social Services Administration
Boards Conference in Niagara Falls on October 19, 2005.
John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising Council that he has forwarded
Clarington's resolution pertaining to the need for early completion of
Highway 407 to the Minister of Transportation.
David Shier, President, Canadian Nuclear Workers Council, advising
Council that they are in full support of efforts to expand the Darlington
Nuclear Generating Station "B" site.
Don MacKinnon, President, Power Workers' Union, advising Council that
their union is in full support of Clarington's resolution to support Nuclear
New Build at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station "B" site.
Luc Bernier, President, The Institute of Public Administration of Canada,
advising Council that they are accepting nominations for the Vanier
Medal until March 31, 2006. The Vanier Medal, established in 1962, is
awarded annually as a mark of distinction and administrative excellence
to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to public
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-552-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Correspondence I - 8 be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for a report
and input on possible nominations of staff.
Pt.~l Jones, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby, advising Council that the Town
of Whitby on November 14, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS Bill 169, an Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and to
amend and repeal various other statutes in respect of transportation
related matters received first reading on February 21, 2005;
AND WHEREAS Bill 169, Section 27(3) amends Section 176(3) of the
Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 to state that, 'Where a school crossing
guard displays a school crossing stop sign as provided in subsection (2),
the driver of any vehicle approaching the school crossing guard shall
stop before reaching the crossing and shall remain stopped until all the
children and the school crossing guard have cleared "the half' of the
roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling and it is safe to proceed";
AND WHEREAS a vehicle is proceeding through "the half' of the
roadway prior to crossing guards returning to their original side of the
road creates a substantial hazard to the school crossing guard and
children both in the crossing or about to cross;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bill 169, Section 27(3) to
amend Section 176(3) of the Highway Traffic Act, RS.O.1990 be further
amended to require the driver of a vehicle to remain stopped until all the
children and the school crossing guard have cleared the roadway;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ministry of Transportation
(Ontario) be requested to undertake a Province-wide publicity campaign
to inform Ontario drivers of their obligations with regards to this
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to Durham MPPs, Durham
municipalities, Minister of Transportation, Ontario Good Roads
Association and the Ontario Traffic Conference."
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-553-05
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the resolution of the Town of Whitby regarding School Crossing Guards be
endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington.
Ted Galinis, General Manager, Durham Region Transit, advising Council
that the recent transferring of transit services from the lower tier
mUllicipalities to the Region did not include responsibility for Municipal
waste containers located at or near bus transit stops. It will be the local
municipality's responsibility to maintain the garbage collection on all bus
transit routes throughout the Durham Region.
Resolution #C-554-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT Correspondence Item I - 12 be referred to the Director of Operations.
Dominika Flood, Executive Assistant, GT A/905 Healthcare Alliance,
advising Council that the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Mayors
and Chairs passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS. local access to health care services is a priority for the
three million residents living in the GT A/905 and key to maintaining
vibrant, viable and healthy communities in the GT A/905;
WHEREAS the four GTA/905 regions of Halton, Peel, Durham and York
continue to experience rapid population growth at twice the provincial
rate and represent half the annual population growth in Ontario;
WHEREAS the funding gap for hospital services in the GTA/905 has
widened since 2003 from $590 million to $740 million today on a
regional basis and per capita funding for GT A/905 residents' hospital
care is now $255 less than the provincial average compared to $229
less per resident in 2003;
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
WHEREAS, using new Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)
boundaries, the per capita funding for GT A/905 residents' hospital care
is now $164 less per resident compared to the provincial average and
has widened from $146 less per person in 2003 which means that the
funding gap for hospital services in the GTA/905 LHINs has widened
from $540 million in 2003 to $665 million as of 2005;
WHEREAS GT A/905 residents continue to pay to the Ontario
Government $570 million each year though the Provincial Health Care
Te--- meaning that the Ontario Government has the resources to invest in
GT A/905 residents' health care services;
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario's Places to Grow plan speaks to
building "complete communities" in Ontario's high growth regions that
will be "supported by modern, well maintained infrastructure built in
accordance with a broad plan for growth.. .{with} residents having easy
access to shelter, food, education and health care facilities...";
WHEREAS it will take three to seven years for recently approved
hospital construction projects in the GT A/905 to begin to improve local
access to hospital care in the GT A/905;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton
Mayors and Chairs Committee call on the Government of Ontario to:
a) Follow through on their commitment to provide Growth Funding
for Ontario hospitals and ensure that the growth funding is both
adequate in size and is targeted to hospitals in high growth
regions such as the GT A/905;
b) Preserve the viability and capacity at all sites in high growth
regions, especially those in smaller GT A/905 communities, in
order to meet health care needs due to current and future
population growth in small GT A/905 communities by:
· Establishing provincial policies that make clear what range
of hospital services are to be provided in small and rural
hospitals, and
· Providing additional and adequate multi-site funding to
multi-site hospitals
c) reinstate development charges for the building of hospitals;
d) Develop a "Health Care Strategy for Ontario's High Growth
Region" using the GT A/905 Healthcare Alliances' report, Places
for Care as a starting point
e) approve the capital development projects for Ajax, Milton and
Burlington hospitals."
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Greater Toronto and Hamilton Mayors and Chairs Meeting,
advising Council that on November 25,2005, they passed the following
'WHEREAS there has been a considerable increase in gun violence in
the City of Toronto and throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA);
AND WHEREAS this problem is not confined to anyone particular
municipal jurisdiction;
AND WHEREAS the spread of gun violence is a complex problem and
there are no easy or apparent solutions;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the GTA Mayors and Chairs host
a Gun Violence Summit and invite Police Departments, Community
Leaders, Social Services agencies, Housing Authorities and Boards of
Education from across the GT A as well as, the Provincial and Federal
Ministers and representatives to develop a GT A wide strategy on solving
this immediate threat to public safety."
Greater Toronto and Hamilton Mayors and Chairs Meeting,
advising Council that on November 25,2005, they passed the following
'WHEREAS the Province has ultimate authority with regard to the
Environmental Assessment Process, and has a large responsibility in
Waste Management issues; .
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the GTAH Mayors and Chairs
request the Province to:
a) include Waste Management as part of the infrastructure in the
'Better Choices, Brighter Future - Places to Grow' Proposed
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe;
b) Improve the predictability and consistency in the Environmental
Assessment Act; and
c) Amend the Development Charges Act to permit municipalities to
collect for the growth related cots of Waste Management;
d) Acknowledge that the Province has responsibility for Waste
Management and to work collaboratively with municipalities to
achieve cost efficient and long-term solutions to the Waste
Management crisis in the Province; and
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12,2005
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Minister of the Environment be
invited to attend the GT AH Mayors and Chairs meeting to be held in
February 24,2006, at the Town of Georgina."
Resolution #C-555-05
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the resolutions from the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Mayors and Chairs
regarding Healti I (;are Strategy for Ontario's High Growth Region, Gun Violence and
Waste Management be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington.
Correspondence Item D - 11 was distributed as a handout.
Resolution #C-556-05
Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, with the exception
of Items D - 5, D - 7 and D - 8 to D - 10, inclusive.
D -1
Jim McMillen, Vice President, Canadian National Exhibition Association,
advising Council that the Canadian National Exhibition will be
celebrating their 128th Anniversary in 2006. The CNE Garden Show
located in Heritage Court continues to be a highlight of the annual fair.
Mr. McMillen would like to invite the Municipality of Clarington to
participate with them by providing a feature garden.
(Correspondence referred to the Directors of
Walter Zutell, advising Council that he is resigning from the Clarington
Accessibility Advisory Committee.
(Thanked Mr. Zutell for his work and
correspondence referred to the Municipal
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
D - 11
P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on November 9,2005, passed the following
resolution regarding Proposed International Marketing Program:
"THA T Report #2005-A-54 of the Commissioner of Economic
Development and Tourism be received for information;
THAT Report #2005-A-54 be circulated to the local municipal Councils,
the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, business associations
in Durham Region and the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance for
cornment; and
THAT following receipt of comments, a report be brought back to the
Finance & Administration Committee meeting of December 7,2005, with
a final recommended 2006 International marketing program."
(Correspondence referred to the Chief
Administrative Officer)
David Staples, Chairman, Newcastle Sesquicentennial Celebration,
requesting Council's permission to hold the Newcastle Sesquicentennial
Celebration parade on Friday, June 30, 2006, at 7:30 p.m.
(Approved provided organizer's apply for and
obtain a road occupancy permit)
Roxy Barnes, advising Council of her concerns pertaining to the
intersection at Holt and Baseline Roads and requesting improvements at
this intersection to help make it safer. There are constant accidents at
this corner and currently there is a huge clean up due to a spill of 19,000
litres of diesel fuel because someone went through the stop sign.
(Correspondence referred to the Director of
Engineering Services)
Michael Coleman, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities,
(FCM), inviting Council to apply for the FCM-CH2M HILL Sustainable
Community Awards. Awards submission must be received by
January 16, 2006. They encourage communities with innovative
projects in the following categories to apply: buildings, fleet
management, renewable energy, solid waste, sustainable community
planning, sustainable transportation, wastewater and water.
(Correspondence referred to the Chief
Administrative Officer)
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Greg Chaffey, requesting Council to reduce the speed limit from 80 km
to 60 km on Highway 2 in the area of Payne's Crescent beyond the
eastern side of Payne's Crescent. He suggests that the speed limit be
reduced to 50 km from the west side of Newtonville to the eastern side
of Payne's Crescent. Mr. Chaffey is also requesting the installation of
street lights (approximately 7) be installed from the existing location to
the eastern side of Payne's Crescent. There are a number of safety
concerns that would be addressed if these requests were granted.
Resolution #C-5~7 -05
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT Correspondence Item D - 5 be referred to the Director of Engineering Services
and to the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee.
Pat M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that
the Region of Durham on November 30, 2005, passed the following
"a) THAT the existing agriculture farm Balewrap Program be
extended at the Region's waste facility in Port Perry;
b ) THAT the agriculture farm Balewrap Program be expanded to
include the Region's waste facilities in Oshawa and in Brock
Township starting in 2006;
c) THAT the Minister of the Environment be requested to consider
including agriculture farm balewrap as another candidate for a
return to vendor stewardship program under the Waste Diversion
Act; and
d) THAT a copy of Report No. 2005-WR-26 of the Commissioner of
Works be forwarded to the following organizations:
i) Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee;
ii) Ontario Federation of Agriculture; and
iii) All Area Municipalities within the Region of Durham with a
request that they actively promote the agriculture Balewrap
Program within their organization or community."
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-558-05
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham regarding the Balewrap Program be
endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington.
Dave Perkins, 2005-06 National President, Kin Canada, requesting
Council to support their annual 'Message-of-Support' campaign so that
their members can continue to provide assistance to the many groups,
organizations and individuals that rely on them. These "thank you"
message give people the opportunity to express their appreciation to Kin
members who have raised funds and donated countless hours to serve
the needs of fellow Canadians and the communities they call home.
Resolution #C-559-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the Municipality of Clarington purchase a 1/12 page "Message-of-Support" at a
cost of $250.00.
Township of South Algonquin, advising Council that the Township of
South Algonquin on November 3, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS municipalities in Ontario are strapped with a Current Value
Assessment (CV A) system that has created outrageous spikes in
assessment, some over 100% and these unprecedented hikes in
assessment will translate into corresponding increases in taxes for the
portion of assessment that is in excess of the average increase in any
given municipality;
WHEREAS municipalities are at a loss to adequately analyze the full
impact of the new property assessments by only receiving the new
Assessment Roll in mid-December while the majority of the 2006
assessments are in the hands of ratepayers by mid-October;
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12,2005
WHEREAS the criterion of realty sales for establishing new
assessments each year is very volatile; very frivolous; very unfair and
very unpredictable and there is no correlation between the severe tax
increases generated by many of these assessments and the provision of
municipal services which remain virtually unchanged from year to year;
WHEREAS the Provincial Government froze the 2004 Assessment Roll
for the 2005 taxation year in response to cries of outrage stemming from
a flawed Current Value Assessment system, yet the proposed
As...dssment Roll for the 2006 taxation year will create even more
hardship than that generated at the time of the freeze;
WHEREAS Ontario's municipalities deserve immediate, as well as long
term relief from a "broken" assessment system that is failing all areas of
this province;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Provincial Ombudsman Andre
Marin, who has launched a full investigation into the Current Value
Assessment system and the Municipal Property Assessment
Corporation, be urged to recommend to Premier Dalton McGunity an
immediate short term solution whereby the 2005 moratorium on
assessment increases would be extended through the 2006 taxation
year. This "freeze" would also allow more time for MPAC to replace their
30-year old computer system for a new Integrated Property System that
is scheduled for implementation before the end of 2006;
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that both Ombudsman Andre Marin and
Premier Dalton McGuinty recognize that the Provincial Government
should undertake a systemic review of CV A during the 2006 moratorium
period in order to develop and implement a more equitable; a more
stable, and a more transparent assessment system;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that all 445 municipalities as well as A.M.O.
and RO.M.A. receive this resolution and be requested to endorse it as
soon as possible and forward a copy of their endorsement to
Ombudsman Andre Marin and Premier Dalton McGuinty."
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-560-05
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the resolution from the Township of South Algonquin regarding the Municipal
Property Assessment Corporation be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of
D -10
Karen Landry, Clerk, Town of Halton Hills, advising Council that the
Town of Halton Hills on November 28, 2005, passed the following
'WHEREAS on October 17, 2005, the Ombudsman for Ontario
announced an investigation into whether the Municipal Property
Assessment Corporation (MPAC) valuing of properties is fair and
AND WHEREAS on October 18, 2004, the Municipal Property
Assessment Corporation stated it is willing to work with the Ombudsman
for Ontario to identify and deal with any issues or concerns regarding the
assessment process;
AND WHEREAS the Council for the Town of Halton Hills is on record as
having concerns regarding the accuracy, fairness, and transparency of
the assessment process;
AND WHERESAS the Council for the Town of Halton Hills has received
numerous comments, complaints and concerns from residents including
many seniors on fixed incomes, within the municipality regarding the
fairness of the assessment of their properties and their ability to pay their
property taxes due to dramatic increases in the assessment values of
their properties;
AND WHEREAS Halton Hills is recognized as a very diverse community
of urban, industrial, rural residential (including hamlets), agriculture.
These same residents may face restrictive measures such as Niagara
Escarpment, three Conservation Agency Guidelines and the new Green
Belt policy;
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
AND WHEREAS the Council for the Town of Halton Hills and Regional
Municipality of Halton are on record as being willing to be part of a pilot
project to test other models sources for the delivery of property
assessment services;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of
Halton Hills fully sUpports the efforts of the Ombudsman of Ontario in the
review of the fairness and transparency of the property assessment
system as administered by the Municipal Property Assessment
Ce. ,;oration;
AND FURTHER THAT the Town forward a letter to the Office of the
Ombudsman of Ontario indicating its support for the investigation into
the fairness and transparency of the valuation of properties by the
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation;
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all other
municipalities in the Province of Ontario asking that they also indicate
their support for the investigation into fairness and transparency of the
valuation of properties by the Municipal Property Assessment
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, local
Members of the Provincial Parliament (MPP), the Municipal Property
Assessment Corporation (MPAC), and the Association of the
Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)."
Resolution #C-561-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie
THAT Correspondence Items D - 9 and D - 10 be received for information.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-562-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, as a Veridian
Shareholder, is interested in providing the opportunity for all Clarington residents
to receive consistent hydro services from Veridian Corporation;
WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has received numerous
compl3ints relating to service reliability and inequitable electricity distribution rates
within the Hydro One area of Clarington, resulting in requests from residents and
businesses for the Council to assist in permitting an opportunity for hydro services
to be provided by Veridian Corporation;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington
hereby requests the Ontario Energy Board, the Minister of Energy and the
Premier of Ontario to undertake any action necessary to permit the service area
of Hydro One within the Municipality of Clarington to be made available at a
reasonable cost, to Veridian Corporation, as soon as possible; and
THAT Veridian Corporation and its Municipal Shareholders be advised of
Council's decision.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report -
December 5, 2005
Resolution #C-563-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of December 5,
2005, be amended in Item #14 to include Joanne Whiteman and to forward the
appropriate by-law to Council; and
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of December 5,
2005, be approved as amended, with the exception of Item #3.
Councillor Foster stated a pecuniary interest pertaining to Item #3 of Report #1,
vacated his seat and refrained from discussion and voting on the matter. Councillor
Foster's wife works at Newtonville United Church.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Item #3 of Report #1 - Rezoning to Permit the Severance of the Existing Manse from
Newtonville United Church, Owner: Trustees of the
Newtonville/Shiloh/Kendal Pastoral Charge
Resolution #C-564-05
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Report PSD-141-05 be received;
THAT the rezoning proposal for the severance of the existing manse from the
Newtonville United Church be referred back to staff for further processing and
preparation of a subsequent report; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-141-05 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #4 - Report CLD-049-05 - 2006 Accessibility Plan in Accordance with the
Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Resolution #C-565-05
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT Report CLD-049-05 be received;
THAT the 2006 Accessibility Plan attached as Schedule A to Report CLD-049-05 be
adopted in accordance with the Ontarians With Disabilities Act; and
THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee be thanked for their ongoing commitment
and work.
Report #5 - Report COD-065-05 - Pay Equity Plan Review
Resolution #C-566-05
Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT Report COD-065-05 be received;
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to undertake an independent
review of the Municipality's existing Pay Equity Plan (McDowell Plan) for applicability
to today's work environment with a report back to Council;
THAT the funding for the independent review be included in the 2006 Administration
THAT future reviews of Pay Equity questionnaires, except those positions identified in
Report COD-S4-0S which were referred back for reconsideration by the Pay Equity
Committee, be suspended until the completion of the independent review and report
to Council;
THAT CUPE local 74 President, and the Members the Union Pay Equity Committee
be advised of Council's actions respecting the Union Pay Equity Plan review and the
Chief Administrative Officer's intention to advise the Union of the consultant's
recommendations upon completion of the review;
THAT the Members of the Non-Affiliated Pay Equity Committee be advised of
Council's actions respecting the Non-Affiliated Pay Equity Plan review, and the Chief
Administrative Officer's intention to review the recommendations of the review with the
Committee upon its completion; and
THAT, as the Municipality is the recognized employer for Library Pay Equity purposes,
the Library Board be advised of Council's decision.
Report #6 - Report PSD-138-0S - GTA Task Force on OMB Reform
Resolution #C-S67 -OS
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board was created to resolve municipal land use
issues at a time when municipal governments were small and had limited planning
AND WHEREAS the role and mandate of the Ontario Municipal Board have not been
significantly altered in response to increased municipal planning skills or expanded
municipal responsibilities for land use planning responsibilities for land use planning
under the Planning Act;
AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has broad planning powers and can
make decisions in the absence of a full municipal review of a planning application and
can overturn local planning decisions;
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
AND WHEREAS Ontario Municipalities invest significant resources in staff time, legal
and other associated costs' in establishing and implementing local planning policy;
AND WHEREAS there is growing concern from municipalities and citizens that the
decisions of the Ontario Municipal Board are eroding local planning authority;
AND WHEREAS there have been numerous Council Resolutions, municipal reports
and reports from planning professionals and academics advocating reform of the
Ontark> Municipal Board;
AND WHEREAS the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform, an informed group of
municipal representatives and staff, after study and consultation, made practical
recommendations for improvements to the planning appeal process;
AND WHEREAS the Ontario Government has indicated their intention to introduce
legislation enacting significant reforms to the OMB and the planning appeal process in
the Fall200S session of the Legislature;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of
Clarington generally endorses the recommendations of the Report of the GTA Task
Force on OMB Reform dated March 7, 2003 with the modifications with respect to
Improvement Area 4 identified in Report PSD-098-03;
THAT the Government of Ontario clarify by legislation the adverse impact of the
Clergy Properties decision of the OMB as outlined in Report PSD-1 06-04;
THAT the Government of Ontario take appropriate steps to ensure public confidence
in the OMB as an appellate tribunal as outlined in Report PSD-106-04;
THAT the Government of Ontario take all steps possible to limit the length and
expense of hearings;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT this resolution be circulated to the Attorney
General, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, local MPPs and the Chair of
the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Report #7 - Confidential Report PSD-149-0S - Property Matter
Report #10 - Confidential Report PSD-1S0-0S - Property Matter
Report #11 - Confidential Report PSD-1S1-0S - Property Matter
Report #12 - Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor - Legal Matters
Resolution #C-S68-0S
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT Confidential Reports PSD-149-0S, PSD-1S0-0S, PSD-1S1-0S and the
Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor be referred to the end of the agenda to be
considered during a "closed" session of Council.
Report #8 - Report CLD-OS1-0S - Appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement
Resolution #C-S69-0S
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT Report CLD-OS1-0S be received;
THAT the by-laws attached to Report CLD-OS1-0S to appoint Municipal Law
Enforcement Officers be approved; and
THAT Paul Shcherbak, Tim Calhoun, Steven Valk, Peter Lomax and Ron Klosinski be
advised of Council's decision.
Councillor Schell, as Chair of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority,
presented Mayor Mutton the 200S Watershed Award for the Municipality of
Clarington's ongoing support of the Groundwater Festival.
Councillor Trim advised that the 1S0th Anniversary celebrations for the Village of
Newcastle are moving along very well. He advised that a Beard Growing Contest
will occur on Friday, June 9, 2006 and that the annual Polar Bear Dip will be held
on January 1, 2006, at Bondhead. He also noted that the Mayor's Levee will be
held on January 1S, 2006, at the Newcastle Community Hall at 12:30 p.m.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Resolution #C-S70-0S
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Council recess for five minutes after which time the meeting be "closed" to
consider Confidential Reports PSD-149-0S, PSD-1S0-0S, PSD-1S1-QS and the
Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor.
Councillor Pingle stated a pecuniary interest during the "closed" session and
refrained from voting on the following resolution.
Resolution #C-S71-0S
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the actions taken during the "closed" session of Council be ratified.
Resolution #C-S72-0S
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Trust considers the Wallbridge House to be of
provincial cultural heritage value in its present location;
AND WHEREAS the Clarington LACAC and the Newcastle Village and District
Historical Society consider the Wallbridge House to be of cultural heritage value;
AND WHEREAS the property owner has indicated that they are willing to donate
the building to the Municipality, or are willing to sell the property to the
Municipality, and are proposing to obtain a demolition permit if the bUilding is not
moved or the property is not sold;
AND WHEREAS initiation of the heritage designation process under the Ontario
Heritage Act will allow time for negotiation with the developer;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipality of
Clarington authorizes the Clerk to prepare the notice of intention to designate
pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act and report back to Council
following the prescribed notification period;
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
AND FURTHER that Planning staff be directed to prepare a feasibility study for
municipal use of the Wallbridge House and consult with the stakeholder groups
and interested parties and report back to Council.
Resolution #C-S73-0S
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 200S-231 to 200S-2S6, inclusive and that
the said by-laws be now read a first and second time:
200S-231 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Moolco
Investments Incorporated)
200S-232 Being a by-law to exempt certain portions of Registered Plan 40M-226S
(Maple Woods Land Corporation)
200S-233 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.4 7 to the Clarington Official Plan
(WED Investments Limited (The Kaitlin Group Ltd.))
200S-234 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law
for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (WED Investments
Limited (The Kaitlin Group Ltd.))
200S-23S Being a by-law to authorize entering into an agreement with the Owners of
Plan of Subdivision 18T-900S1 any Mortgagee who has an interest in the
said Lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect
of 18T-900S1 (WED Investments Limited (The Kaitlin Group Ltd.))
200S-236 Being a by-law to amend By-law 91-S8, as amended, being a By-law to
Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the
Municipality of Clarington
200S-237 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington and the Corporation of the City of Pickering, to
enter into agreement for the services for the feed, care and sheltering of
animals from the City of Pickering on an interim basis
200S-238 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Julie Amanda Gibson
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
2005-239 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Moustapha Elhassani
2005-240 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Bob Genosko
2005-24 r- Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Larry Postill
2005-242 B~;'lg a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Mike Bourke
2005-243 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Glen Duncan
2005-244 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Mike Williams
2005-245 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Gary Somoygi
2005-246 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington and All Services Inc., Oshawa, Ontario, to enter
into agreement for the Alexander Boulevard Retaining Wall and Soper Court
Staircase Repair, Bowmanville
2005-247 Being a by-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer -
Ron Kloskinski
2005-248 Being a by-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer -
Steven Valk -
2005-249 Being a by-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer -
Peter Lomax
2005-250 Being a by-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer -
Tim Calhoun
2005-251 Being a by-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer -
Paul Shcherbak
2005-252 Being a by-law to amend By-law 96-136 and to repeal By-law 2003-189
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
2005-253 Being a by-law to authorize the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of
Transportation to enter into an agreement to purchase the former Ministry of
Transportation Picnic Area located at Highway No.2 and Morgans Road
2005-254 being a by-law to authorize the purchase agreement between the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Scott Winston Lumley, in
respect to the purchase of 157 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville, Ontario
and being more particularly described as Part of Unnumbered Lot 7, Smart
Estate Plan being Plan H50073, former Township of Darlington and later the
Town of Bowmanville and Town of Newcastle, now Municipality of
Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham
2005-255 being a by-law to authorize the purchase agreement between the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Robin Duetta and Tracy
Duetta, in respect to the purchase of 11 Boulton Street, Newcastle, Ontario
and being more particularly described as Part Lot 2, Block T C.G. Hanning's
Plan, former Village of Newcastle, Municipality of Clarington, Regional
Municipality of Durham
2005-256 Being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for
Private Property - Joanne Whiteman
Resolution #C-574-05
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2005-231 to 2005-256, inclusive, be
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2005
Councillors Foster and Pingle stated pecuniary interests earlier in the meeting and
refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law.
Resolution #C-575-05
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2005-257 being a by-law to confirm the
proceodings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the
12th day of Dec~:-nber, 2005, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second
Resolution #C-576-05
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2005-257 be approved.
Resolution #C-577 -05
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:20 p.m.
JANUARY 16, 2006
1-1 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Oouncil that the
Region of Durham on December 14, 2005, passed the following
"a) THAT a 2006 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be imposed on
the Area MI:IDicipalities for all property tax classes;
b) THAT the amount due from each Area Municipality be equivalent to
50% of their respective share of the Regional Taxes collected in
c) THAT the 2006 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be paid by the
Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the installment due
dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of
their respective interim municipal property taxes;
d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area
Municipalities of the imposition of the 2006 Interim Regional
Property Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and
e) THAT the requisite by-law be approved."
I - 2 Ulli Watkiss, City Clerk, City of Toronto, providing Council with a copy of
The Toronto Drug Strategy Report.
I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Older Adult Association Board of Directors
Meeting dated December 9,2005. (Copy attached)
I - 4 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee meeting dated November 8, 2005. (Copy attached)
I - 5 Marika Hare, General Manager, Central Region, Enbridge Gas
Distribution, advising Council of the Winter Warmth Fund, a joint venture
of the United Way and Enbridge Gas Distribution for low-income families
and individuals living at or below the poverty line who have exhausted all
other sources of financial support.
I - 6 Lakeridge Health, advising Council that Dr. Howard Burke has been
awarded the Ontario College of Family Physicians Community Teacher of
the Year Award. Nominees for this prestigious award are selected on the
basis of comprehensiveness of practice, teaching ability, knowledge of the
discipline of family medicine and ability to balance the demands of
practice, family and community.
Summary of Correspondence
January 16, 2006
I - 7 Debi Bentley, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of
Pickering on December 5, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS the position of Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham
has considerable responsibility, influence and authority over numerous
public policy and service issues affecting all residents, businesses and
electors in the Region of Durham;
WHEREAS a fundamental principle of democracy is that the electors,
through a general vote, have the right to freely choose their political
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario may determine that the Chair of
the Regional Municipality of Durham shall be directly elected by a general
vote of "".; electors in the Region;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT a public meeting and by-law
to place the following question on the November 2006 City of Pickering
election ballot be scheduled and that the City Clerk initiate the required
processes outlined in the Municipal Elections Act:
Should the Council of the City of Pickering approve the following
THAT the Government of Ontario enact a regulation requiring the
direct election of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham.
1-8 Durham Strategic Energy Alliance, advising Council that they support the
Ontario Power Authority's findings in its December 2005 'Supply Mix
Advise Report.' Durham Region has a wealth of energy-sector expertise
combined with progressive government and a knowledgeable and
supportive host community. Research and development capabilities are
led by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology's energy systems
and nuclear engineering programs while Durham College is a training
leader for the skilled trades.
1- 9 Ernie Hardeman, MPP, Oxford and John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing
to Mayor Mutton with their concerns pertaining to Bill 206, Ontario
Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, 2005. The Ontario PC
party believes that they cannot support the Ontario government intent to
transfer its responsibilities for the pensions of municipal employees across
Ontario. Bill 206, as it is currently written is not in the best interest of
municipalities. There is great concern around the start-up cost that will be
incurred in the process of preparing for the new governance
responsibilities. They strongly encourage all municipalities to continue to
express concerns with the proposed OMERS devolution legislation.
Summary of Correspondence
January 16, 2006
I - 10 Roger Hanmer, Regional Director, Ministry of Transportation. writing to
Pat Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, regarding the 407 East
Environmental Assessment. The Terms of Reference for the study was
approved by the Minister of the Environment in January 2005. It is
anticipated that the next phase of the study will take approximately 3 years
to complete. Meaningful and inclusive consultation is an important
component of the 407 East Environment Assessment, as a significant
number of stakeholder issues are anticipated and will need to be
addressed carefully.
I - 11 John Gray, Mayor, City of Oshawa, writing to the Honourable Harinder
Takhar, Minister of Transportation, advising of the new regional transit
system which debuted on January 1, 2006. This new regional transit
system represents the amalgamation of the former Ajax/Pickering, Whitby
and Oshawa/Clarington transit systems. This new system will certainly
put Dur~:.;n Region on par with other municipalities, however, the financial
impact will be great and will affect both passengers and taxpayers alike.
Mr. Gray is requesting a review of the new Durham Regional Transit
System and any financial assistance from the Province of Ontario help
offset the impact of this new service. Mr. Gray notes that he is grateful for
the provincial gas tax revenues and that this revenue will be used for the
acquisition of new buses; however, given the magnitude of substandard
buses that other transit systems are providing, the gas tax revenue will not
cover the deficiency.
I - 12 Douglas Newson, Director, Central Region, Statistics Canada, advising
Council that the next Census of Canada will take place on May 16, 2006.
The Census of Population and the concurrent Census of Agriculture are
the largest surveys conducted in Canada. They provide a detailed
statistical picture of Canada and its population at a single point of time.
1- 13 John Tory, MPP, Leader of the Official Opposition, writing to Council
regarding Bill 37, "The Disrespect for Taxpayers Act". Mr. Tory strongly
believes that the only chance to successfully address the big challenges
facing this country and this province is to have the three orders of
government sitting down as the partners they are, deciding who will do
what, and how it will be paid for. He supports a stronger role for
municipalities in Ontario. The PC Party has decided to vote against this
Bill principally because it completely dishonours a written pledge made by
Mr. McGuinty during the 2003 election campaign.
1-14 Terryl Tzikas, Secretary, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee,
thanking Council and staff who assisted with this year's parade. They
truly appreciate Council's continued support and are thankful for once
again having had the use of the Old Fire Hall.
I - 15 Beth Gignac, Chair, Play Works Partnership, providing Council with "The
Cost of Excluding Ontario's Youth From Play" A Call to Action Report.
Summary of Correspondence
Jan uary 16, 2006
1-16 Martha A. Pettit, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax, writing to P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that
the Town of Ajax on December 8,2005, passed the following resolution:
"THAT Council endorse the resolution of the Region of Durham Joint
Finance and Administration, and Health and Social Services Committees
from their meeting held on December 7, 2005, re: services available at the
Ajax-Pickering Hospital."
I - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Agriculture Advisory Committee Meeting dated
November 10, 2005. (Copy attached)
I - 18 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee meeting dated
November 18, 2005. (Copy attached)
I - 19 Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising Council that Councillor
Gloria Kovach of Guelph, Ontario, began her term of office as president of
the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on December 5, 2005.
1-20 Chris Conti, Executive Director, Friends of Second Marsh, thanking
Council for their support during the past year and providing a copy.of the
Friends of Second Marsh Wetlands and Wildlife Official Newsletter.
I - 21 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa, writing to Martin de Rond,
Director, Legislative and Information Services/Town Clerk, advising that
the City of Oshawa on December 19, 2005, passed the following
"1. THAT Matters Tabled Items 5, 6 and 7 being correspondence from
the Town of Ajax and Ajax Councillor Joe Dickson concerning the
placement of a question on the 2006 municipal ballot regarding the
direct election of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham
be lifted from the table;
2. THAT the above correspondence and Additional Correspondence
Item 1 from the Town of Ajax dated December 15, 2005,
concerning the same matter be received for information;
3. THAT staff be directed to add to the ballot in November 2006 a
question mirroring the questionadopted by the Town of Ajax
concerning the direct election of the Chair of the Regional
Municipality of Durham and that a by-law confirming the question
be brought forward for approval at a future meeting of Council
following appropriate notice and public meeting."
Summary of Correspondence
- 5-
January 16, 2006
1-22 Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, advising Council that the
Township of Uxbridge on November 28,2005, passed the following
"THAT the Finance Committee for the Township of Uxbridge support the
resolution of the Municipality of Clarington requesting the Region's
continued opposition to Pay Assurance."
1-23 Mike Colle, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, advising Council of
The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards, The Outstanding Achievement
Awards for Voluntarism in Ontario and The Ontario Medal for Young
Volunteers. Nomination deadline is February 10, 2006.
I - 24 William Harford, MROO Alternate Zone 4, thanking Council for purchasing
memberships for Municipality of Clarington's retirees.
I - 25 Ian Macnab, CAO, Kawartha Conservation, providing Council with copies
of the 2006 Healthy Waters Calendar.
I - 26 Roger Anderson, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario,
advising Council of the 107th Annual Conference dated August 13 - 16,
2006 in Ottawa.
I - 27 Gerry Chaput, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Transportation, responding to
Council's report regarding school crossing guards and the legislative
changes in Bill 169. Mr. Chaput states that this legislation, which received
Royal Assent on November 21, 2005, is proof of their commitment to
safety. Clarington's resolution reflects several of the measures that are
included in Bill 169. These measures will improve pedestrian safety,
specifically for schoolchildren, by clarifying driver responsibilities at school
crossings and by increasing fines and demerit points.
I - 28 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, providing Council with a copy of a letter
from the Honourable Harinder Takhar, Minister of Transportation,
regarding Council's support for the Town of Whitby resolution concerning
an amendment for Bill 169, regulations governing vehicles stopped by a
school crossing guard.
I - 29 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising
Council that he has introduced Bill 206, Ontario Municipal Employees
Retirement System Act, into the legislature for second reading. Many
submissions indicate a concern about the potential cost of a supplemental
benefit plan for the police and fire sectors and for paramedics. This is a
natural concern but the government is moving forward to require the
implementation of specific pension benefits because they believe it is
important to provide police, fire and paramedic employees with the option
to bargain locally for these enhancements. Bill 206, if passed, will not
impose any new cost or pension benefit on any employer or employee.
Summary of Correspondence
- 6-
Jan uary 16, 2006
It will require that the proposed new Sponsors Corporation set up, within
24 months, a supplemental benefit plan that will include the optional
pension benefits outlined in the Bill. With respect to the decision-making
and dispute resolution process, the Bill, as amended following first
reading, would require that decisions on specific major plan changes, such
as changes in benefits or contribution rates, could be approved by a two-
thirds majority vote of the Sponsors Corporation.
1-30 Gary Vandergaast, Project Manager, Port Hope Area Initiative, advising of
a new local communications group that the Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Management Office hopes to initiate in January 2006 and to provide
information on changes the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management
Office plans to make to the draft Environmental Assessment Study Report.
The first meeting is being held on Monday, January 16, 2006, at 7:00 p.m.
in the Newtonville Community Hall.
1- 31 Michael Young, Chairperson, Government Relations Committee, Scugog
Chamber of Commerce, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty,
Premier, stating that Durham Region residents deserve fair and equitable
healthcare funding from the provincial government. Every year, each
man, woman and child in Durham Region receives $279 less in hospital
care funding from Queen's Park - a gap that is widening. According to the
GT A/905 Healthcare Alliance, Durham residents, businesses and patients
are short changed by over $151 million per year in hospital care funding.
I - 32 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee
meeting dated December 15, 2005. (Copy attached)
1-33 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, thanking Council for informing him of
Council's resolution pertaining to the GTA Task Force on Ontario
Municipal Board Reform.
1-34 Sylvia Terpstra, Director of Education, Kawartha Pine Ridge District
School Board, providing Council with a copy of the 2005 Director's Report.
I - 35 The Centre for Land and Water Stewardship and the Oak Ridges Moraine
Foundation, providing Council with a copy of Caring For Your Land, a
stewardship handbook for Oak Ridges Moraine landowners.
D - 1 John Greenfield, Veterans Service Officer, Royal Canadian Legion,
Branch 178, Bowmanville, requesting that the name Sam Greenfield be
used in the Veterans Street Name sign program. If at all possible, he
would like to see the name on a street sign in Hampton. Mr. Greenfield
feels that although his late father, Sam Greenfield, a veteran", does not
meet the full requirements for having a street named after him, that there
are extenuating circumstances. His late father was a veteran in both
World Wars.
Summary of Correspondence
- 7-
January 16, 2006
He served in the British Army during the First World War from
September 9,1914 to December 30,1918 and was wounded at Ypres,
Belgium. Following the war, he immigrated to Canada with his family.
During World War II he enlisted in the Canadian forces but, because of his
previous wound, could only serve in the Veterans' Guard of Canada. He
joined December 15, 1941 and served until August 8, 1946 as a guard for
German prisoners of war in Medicine Hat, Alberta.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
D - 2 Donna Donaldson, Durham Region Home Builders' Association,
requesting proclamation of the month of April 2006 as "New Homes
(Motion to proclaim)
D - 3 Ronald ~rmstrong, Armstrong Harrison Associates, requesting Council to
waive the part lot control fee, which has been increased by $950.00 +
GST, pertaining to their application for Blocks 149-156, Plan 40M-2113.
Mr. Armstrong also objects to payment of additional fees on the basis that
municipal costs are no greater for a multiple number of units in an
application to lift part lot control, since the entire application is processed
as one single unit.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
D - 4 Paul Jones, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby, writing to the Honourable Dalton
McGuinty, Premier, Province of Ontario, advising that the Town of Whitby
on November 28, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS, the implementation of Highway 407 East extension through
Durham is a key structural element of the Regional Official Plan and is
essential to support the growth and development objectives of the Region;
AND WHEREAS, the original Terms of Reference (2003) for the EA called
for its completion by the end of 2004;
AND WHEREAS, the revised Terms of Reference (2004) for the EA
rescheduled the completion date to the end of 2006;
AND WHEREAS, with the approval of the Terms of Reference by the
Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Transportation is now working
towards a completion date of end of 2008 for the EA;
AND WHEREAS, the continual delays in the completion of the EA and the
construction of the Highway 407 East extension continue to:
Present barriers to achieving many of the Region's growth
objectives and planned development, especially the development of
essential employment lands and job opportunities dependent on the
implementation of Highway 407 East extension through Durham;
Summary of Correspondence
January 16, 2006
Increase traffic congestion on the Regional road system, affecting
the arterial and local road network in the vicinity of the eastern
terminus of Highway 407 at Brock Road, and beyond; and
Result in lasting hardship to property owners in the vicinity of the
previously recommended alignment for the 407 extension;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of
Whitby advise the Provincial Government:
THAT the continual delay in the implementation of the Highway 407
East Extension and the north-south freeway links in Durham is of
significant concern, given the implications on growth in the Region;
THAT the Highway 407 East extension through Durham be
expedited, without further delays, including the completion of the
ongoing Environmental Assessment, detailed design, and
construction, with all necessary funding earmarked at an early
AND FURTHERMORE THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to the
Honourable Dalton McGunity, Premier of the Province of Ontario; the
Honourable Harinder Takher, Minister of Transportation; John Tory,
Leader of the Official Opposition of the Province of Ontario; Durham
MPPs; and the eight area municipalities in Durham."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 5 Jerry Marion, Clerk, Town of Essex, writing to the Honourable John
Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising that the
Town of Essex on December 6,2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS, municipalities have experience significant increases in the
cost of liability insurance;
AND WHEREAS, a significant factor in the cost of municipal liability
insurance relates to The Negligence Act RS.O. 1990;
AND WHEREAS, The Negligence Act RS.O. 1990 can mandate a
municipality to pay 100% of a loss when in fact they could be as little as
1 % liable;
AND WHEREAS, other Provinces have amended The Negligence Act so
that only where a Municipality is found to be at least 50% liable would the
full claim be paid;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario be
requested to amend The Negligence Act RS.O. 1990 so that only where a
Municipality is found to be at least 50% liable would the full claim be paid;
Summary of Correspondence
- 9-
January 16, 2006
AND FURTHER, that this resolution be circulated to AM.O., as well as to
all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 6 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the Honourable
Dalton McGuinty, advising that the Region of Durham on November 30,
2005, endorsed the following resolution of the Town of Midland:
''THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to end its continued
downloading of provincial programs and use of municipal property tax
dollars for the subsidization of provincial health and social services
program; _and
THAT the Provincial Government work with the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario to develop a plan to begin the uploading of
provincia; program costs back to where they belong;
AND FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to AMO, all
Ontario Municipalities and local M.P.P.'s for support."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Region
of Durham on November 30, 2005, passed the following resolution:
"a) THAT the proposed by-law (Attachment No.1 to Report #2005-J-27
of the Commissioners of Finance and Works) providing for the
transfer of the lower-tier power, relating to residential solid waste
collection in the Town of Ajax, to the Region of Durham be
presented to Council and enacted; and
b ) THAT the enacted by-law be forwarded to the Councils of the lower
tier municipalities requesting resolutions consenting to the by-law."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 8 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising that the City of
Kingston on November 22, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS Utilities rates have increased and will continue to increase at
a rate much higher than the expected rate of inflation;
WHEREAS all citizens, particularly those citizens on low and fixed
incomes, are experiencing and will continue to experience great difficulty
paying for rising utilities rates;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Kingston City Council direct an
amount not to exceed $50,000 from the Working Fund Reserve towards a
Utilities Outreach position and that this position be further investigated for
possible inclusion in the 2007 Utilities Budget;
Summary of Correspondence
- 10-
Jan uary 16, 2006
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT because the provincial government's
policy of deregulation and increased privatiz~tion of the energy market has
helped cause these rate increases, Kingston City Council requests that
the provincial government implement measures such as, but not limited to,
a program to subsidize utilities for persons on low or fixed incomes, in
order to lessen the impact of increased utilities rates;
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be circulated to the
Honourable John Gerretsen, M.P.P., the Honourable Dalton McGunity,
Premier, the Honourable Donna Cansfield, Ontario Minister of Energy, the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all municipalities on our
standard mailing list for endorsement."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 9 Martha A. Pettit, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax, acj~':sing that Elections Ontario conducted a hearing on Thursday,
December 15, 2005, into the appeal filed by an Ajax resident against the
Town of Ajax By-law 101-2005. This by-law authorized the placement of
the following question on the 2006 Municipal Election ballot in the Town of
Should the Council of the Town of Ajax approve the following
"THAT the Government of Ontario enact a regulation requiring the
direct election of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham."
The question will be permitted on the ballot, subject to a slight
amendment the approved question, as amended, is:
Should the Council of the Town of Ajax approve the following
"THAT the Government of Ontario make a regulation requiring that
the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham be elected by
general vote."
The Town of Ajax is requesting that all Durham councils consider placing
this question 0 their local ballot.
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
- 11 -
January 16, 2006
D - 10 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the Honourable
Paul Martin, Prime Minister, advising that the Region of Durham on
November 30, 2005, endorsed the following resolution of the City of
Niagara Falls:
'WHEREAS Canadian consumers have witnessed skyrocketing gas prices
in recent weeks; and
WHEREAS many have attributed the increases to recent natural disasters
in the United States; and
WHEREAS despite recent natural disasters in the United States, Canada
did not face a shortage in gasoline or an increase in costs; and
WHEREAS experts, economists and analysts have attributed the
increase~ to a dearth of competition in the wholesale gasoline sector; and
WHEREAS the wholesale gasoline sector is dominated by a handful of
refining companies who exclusively share infrastructure, such as pipelines
and terminals; and
WHEREAS it is speculated that the recent increase in gas prices meant
pure profit for gasoline wholesalers; and
WHEREAS without a sufficient number of competitors, price competition
does not exist; and
WHEREAS supply and demand economics only exist when there are
numerous competitors;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council support
the Canadian Independent Petroleum Marketers Association's (C.I.P.M.A.)
idea of asking the Federal Government to intervene in the wholesale
gasoline sector to restore the free market system of competition; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be circulated to area
municipalities, the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario (A.M.O.)."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 11 Brian Knott, City Solicitor/Clerk, City of Sarnia, advising Council that the
City of Sarnia on November 21,2005, passed the following resolution:
"THAT the members of Sarnia City Council have considered the
suggestions of Mr. Vollmar as provided in the correspondence from Ms.
Ur, and are in agreement that said suggestions should be given due
consideration by both the Federal and Provincial governments, and that it
would be appropriate to enact these suggestions, namely:
Summary of Correspondence
- 12-
Jan uary 16, 2006
a) That any monies being received by individuals in the way of
severance monies be taxed only on that amount which is over
$100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars), so said individual may
use said funds to solidify his or her financial situation, which can
become precarious at best following the loss of employment; and
b) That a percentage of revenues collected from the GST and PST in
municipalities and forwarded to the respective governments, be
instead forwarded to the governmental offices of the municipality
from which said monies have been derived; and
THAT we agree with the concept that the proper usage of the GST and
PST revenues received by the respective municipality could possibly
erase part or all of the need for property tax revenues, allow for less
reliance 'v!'! upper-tier funding for certain projects such as infrastructure
repair or replacement, and many other municipal needs, and.
THAT with the lessening or removal of property taxes, individuals would
realize more freedom in life, and have an enhanced ability to afford to
spend more monies within the community, or others by ways of tourism,
etc., thus creating a potential to increase the revenues raised through the
GST and PST streams; and
THAT this motion be forwarded to AMO, MP Roger Gallaway, MP Ms.
Rose-Marie Ur, The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Finance, Hon.
Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition, The County of Lambton, and
all other municipalities over 50,000 in population for their support.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 12 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the Board of
Rouge Valley Health System, Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering, advising
that the Region of Durham on December 14, 2005, passed the following
'WHEREAS the Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS) proposes to
temporarily transfer obstetrical, pediatric and possibly gynecological
services from its Ajax-Pickering site to its Centenary site; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and RVHS
has repeatedly assured local residents that RV AP has been designated as
a full-service hospital; and
WHEREAS Rouge Valley Ajax Pickering (RV AP) is the only provider of
hospital-based obstetrical services for Ajax, Pickering and Whitby
residents; and
WHEREAS approximately 1,500 births/year took place and 50 ectopic
pregnancies/year were managed at RV AP; and
Summary of Correspondence
-.13 -
Jan uary 16, 2006
WHEREAS the proposed transfer will create undue hardship for many
pregnant women and their families, particularly those who face
transportation barriers, who may now need to access/visit diagnostic and
ambulatory services beyond Durham Region; and
WHEREAS the 48-hour post-partum calls/visits of new mothers by public
health nurses under the Durham Region Healthy Babies, Healthy Children
Program may be disrupted by the transfer owing to follow-up being
initiated by Toronto Public Health and then being referred to the Durham
Region Health Department; and
WHEREAS referrals to the RV AP social work services for postpartum
depression may also be disrupted; and
WHEREAS the impact of the transfer on RVAP lactation consultant
services and breastfeeding support groups is unknown at this time; and
WHEREAS the proposed temporary transfer is owing to a shortage or
local pediatricians; and
WHEREAS the shortage of pediatricians, specialists and family physicians
in Durham Region and beyond is a key national and provincial strategic
healthcare issue; and
WHEREAS residents of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby are very concerned
about the transfer becoming permanent, in part, owing to the ongoing
shortage of pediatricians and other related specialists; and
WHEREAS the doctors at the Ajax-Pickering site have passed a motion of
non-confidence, as a result of the action taken by Administration and the
Board of Rouge Valley Health System;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Regional
Municipality of Durham urges the Board of Rouge Valley Health System to
reconsider transferring obstetrical, pediatric and related services from its
Ajax Pickering site to its Centenary site and otherwise honou r its
commitment to provide full hospital services to the residents of Ajax,
Pickering and Whitby; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the Board does not
voluntarily reconsider its decision, that the Minister of Health use his
powers under the Act to force that obstetrical, pediatric and related
services remain at the Ajax-Pickering site;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Government of Ontario is urged to
honour its capital redevelopment and associated operating commitments
for Rouge Valley Ajax Pickering to ensure that the residents of West
Durham receive the full hospital services that they have been repeatedly
Summary of Correspondence
- 14-
January 16, 2006
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Region of Durham withhold its $3.5
million commitment for the capital expansion of the Ajax Pickering hospital
until such time as the Region of Durham is satisfied as to the services
provided at the Ajax-Pickering site;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Governments of Canada and
Ontario are urged to act with utmost speed and with unflagging
determination to resolve the shortage of pediatricians, other specialists
and family physicians in Durham Region and beyond; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Prime Minister of Canada,
Ministers of Finance and Health Canada, Durham's MPs and Candidates;
Premier of Ontario, Ministers of Finance and Health and Long-Term Care,
Durham'c:: MPPs; Durham's municipalities; Canadian Medial Association,
Ontario Medical Association, Durham Medical Society; Regional Director,
Central East Region, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care,
Chair and CEO Central East LHIN; and the Chairs and CEOs, Lakeridge
Health Corporation, and Rouge Valley Health System be so advised."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 13 Phil Sled, Mayor, Township of Severn, advising Council that the Township
of Severn on December 1, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn has
reviewed the tax classification requirements of the Coldwater Canadian
Heritage Museum to be designated as a "commercial" class for
assessment by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation;
AND WHEREAS this property is operated as a non-profit heritage
museum for the enjoyment of all visitors;
AND WHEREAS the commercial class causes financial hardship for non-
profit heritage properties with respect to the annual taxation;
Corporation of the Township of Severn hereby respectfully requests the
Province of Ontario to create an appropriate tax class under the
Assessment Act for the Canadian Heritage museum and other similar type
non-profit operations;
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities
within the Province requesting their support."
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
- 15-
January 16, 2006
D - 14 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa, writing to Michael Grimaldi,
President, General Motors of Canada Limited, advising that the City of
Oshawa on December 19, 2005, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Oshawa Council optimistically
confirms that the General Motors Corporation has been, is, and will
continue to be one of Canada's and in particular one of the City of
Oshawa's most significant landmark institutions of excellence in
manufacturing and high paying quality jobs which provides unparalleled
socioeconomic spin-off in our local and greater economy; and
WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Oshawa Council in
acknowledgement and intensely recognizing the absolute importance of
GM and its direct and indirect work force, would like to extend to the
General Motors Corporation, all of its work force, all subsidiaries relatives
who work as a vital component of the manufacturing product of GM, and
essentially the entire CAW Local 222 and its members, our full and
absolute support and co-operation via any possible/feasible means to
assist all efforts, working as a team in unison to help mitigate the effect of
this recent announcement, in order to help realistically protect and
enhance the levels of production, and ultimately, employment at the
General Motors Plants in Oshawa and throughout;
a) In light of Mayor John Gray's already pronounced pro-action and
commitment to collaborate on an initiative which constructively
assists in dealing with the outlined matter; the Corporation of
Oshawa City Council fully and unanimously supports all and any
efforts our Mayor John Gray may wish or need to proactively offer
the likes of the above mentioned groups with respect to the outlined
matter in order to assist them in maintaining and aggressively
promoting the future status of GM in Oshawa;
b) In order to show support for GM, all CAW Local 222 membership,
and essentially the excellence in quality production and importance
of our local economy, we the Corporation of the City of Oshawa
Council offer our full co-operation in establishing a co-ordinated
effort led by Mayor John Gray in all or any feasible action to
promote the 'buy domestic' product campaign;
c) The Corporation of the Oshawa City Council instruct staff in the City
of Oshawa to contact the CAW Local 222 'buy domestic' to obtain a
sufficient number of plate covers and furthermore importantly
placed on each City marked vehicle as defining symbolic gesture in
support of the GM and the CAW Local 222's promotions;
Summary of Correspondence
- 16-
Jan uary 16, 2006
d) A resolution to do as outlined in this motion be sent to all municipal,
regional, and provincial levels of government and school boards as
well as local and greater Chambers of Commerce, for endorsement
and joint action in light of just how important GM is to both our local
economy, and the people who work and thrive directly or indirectly
from it as a Corporation throughout Canada and that they be
requested to suggest similar action to their employees;
e) That Council again extends its sincere appreciation to (1) the
Premier, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, and the provincial
gcvernment; and, (2) the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Paul
Martin, and the Federal government; and (3) the General Motors
Corporation; and, (4) the Canadian Autoworkers Union and its
membership, and to Mr. Gary Polonsky and staff of the U.O.I.T. for
ti"tc:ir successful completion of negotiations and the subsequent
initiation of the Beacon Project which is a vital step forward in
securing the long term health of the auto sector in the City of
f) Be it resolved that Oshawa City Council
(a) Supports General Motors of Canada Limited in the
procurement of new products;
(b) Requests that the Federal Government develop a fair trade
policy with off-shore countries specifically Japan and Korea;
(c) Request that the Federal Government expedite a solution for
additional Windsor/Detroit border crossing to ensure on-time
deliveries for Canadian plants;
FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of
Oshawa request the ongoing co-operation of all levels of government in
dealing with the future of GM.
AND FURTHER, that this motion be forwarded to the Region of Durham,
local members of Federal and Provincial Parliament, the Right Honourable
Paul Martin, the Honourable Dalton McGunity, and leaders of the Federal
and Provincial opposition parties."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 15 Brian Knott, City Solicitor/Clerk, City of Sarnia, advising Council that the
City of Sarnia on November 21,2005, passed the following resolution:
"THAT the City of Sarnia request that the Minister of Finance and Minister
of Municipal Affairs and Housing defer the 2006 MPAC assessment
values until the Ombudsman's investigation into the MPAC process of
Property Assessment has been completed; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2004 Assessment values remain
in place until the Ombudsmen's report and its recommendations has been
reported to the public; and
Summary of Correspondence
- 17 -
Jan uary 16, 2006
THAT this resolution be circulated to the Members of AMO and the City of
Toronto, seeking their support, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to
the Honourable Mr. Gerretson."
(Motion for Direction)
Qarington Older Adult Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes of Friday December 9, 2005
V. Ashton
J. Greenfield
J. Hilborn
D. MacArthur
M Richards
J. Roberts
S. Robson
N. Welsh
Regrets :
L. Lyle
D. Morris
J. Pattrick
J. Schell
J. Williams
J. Coffey
L. McDonald
1.0 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.rn. by President M. Richards.
2.0 Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved with the following additions:
7.4 John Coffey's Hours
7.5 Chrisbnas Bonus
Moved: J. Greenfield
Seconded: J.Hilborn
3.0 Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
The minutes of November 18,2005 were approved. Correction: J. Pattrick was
present at the November 18 meeting.
Moved: J. Roberts
Seconded: N. Welsh
4.0 Business Arising
4.1 Merging of Boards
J. Coffey reported that the Association is to continue operating as an
incorporation until notified otherwise.. N. Taylor continues to look into
issues such as GST, charitable status, etc.
4.2 Janitorial Semce Contract Up-date
J. Coffey reported that the Oarington Beech Centre Janitorial Contract was
awarded to Country Town Oeaning, Don MacKay.
4.3 Special Board Meeting
L. McDonald reminded the Board of Directors of the special board meeting
on Tuesday January 10 at 2:00 p.rn. Everyone was asked to attend this
4.4 Insurance
J. Coffey spoke to HMA in Whitby and explained why the darington Older
Adult Association has not agreed to promote their service within our
organization. J. Coffey to speak to local insurance agencies.
5.0 Conespondence
A thank you card was received fromJ. Coffey.
6.0 Reports
6.1 President
President M Richards reported that the CDAA Christmas Party on Friday
December 2 was a great success. Over 170 people were in attendance.
6.2 Executive Director
J. Coffey thanked the Board of Directors for his retirement gifts and party on
November 29. J. Coffey requested that the Board of Directors submit their
list of items needed for the capital budget. It was suggested by a Board
member that the lobby furniture be cleaned in the near future. J. Coffey
reported that the 2006 budget to be submitted to the Municipality of
Oarington by January 6, 2006. J. Coffey mentioned that the painting in the
lower level will be postponed as long range planning should be taken into
consideration for the lower level. J. Coffey and L. McDonald met with
Town and Country regarding painting the main level. In the New Year, the
auditorium, craft room, activity room and main office will be painted.
J. Coffey suggested that the Board of Directors eventually discuss the
possibility of improving the telephone system
6.3 Municipal
No report at this time.
Board Reports
6.4.1 Finance
The financial statements were distributed and visually presented via the
laptop and projector.
6.4.2 Fundraising
J. Roberts reported the following upcoming events:
Euchre Extravaganza - Saturday January 28
Smile Theatre - February 15
J. Roberts mentioned there is a free bus to Casino Rama which includes a
free buffet dinner. There are 14 spaces available for the January 9 trip.
L. McDonald reported that J. Beshara suggested the Association sell
Valentine hearts at the front desk for $1 and place them around the building.
This could be a simple fundraiser.
6.4.3 Hospitality
Written report submitted by N. Welsh. November was a very busy month
for catering events. Smile Theatre had a great attendance of 96 people on
November 30. It was suggested that Smile be marketed differendyand that
the price be raised to $12. L. McDonald to email Smile and ask if a stage can
be used at the next perlonnance, as participants found it difficult to see. The
CDAA lunches will begin on Tuesday Januaty 10.
Action: Fundraising committee to discuss the price of Smile Theatre
at their next meeting.
The office thanks the hospitality committee for their dedication,
commitment and hard work every week!
6.4.4 Membership
No formal report at this time. L. McDonald thanked the Membership
Committee for organizing the wonderlul ChristmaS Party on December 2.
This event was a great success and Dorothy and her committee worked very
hard. There are approximately 620 members to date.
6.4.5 Nominating
Written report submitted by N. Welsh. A nominating committee will be
fonned in Januatyto seek prospective Board members.
6.4.6 Programs
The Wmter 2006 Program Guide is now available. Ja-Anne did an excellent
job producing the program guide and it has been distributed to members.
L. McDonald reported that in celebration of heart month, the Base Hospital
is offering a free Defibrilator awareness session on Tuesday February 7, 2006
at the Beech Centre from 7 :00 - 9:00 p.rn. A maximum of 30 people can
attend this session. Instructors and volunteers have been approached to
attend this free workshop.
6.4.7 Property
J. Greenfield thanked P. Best for the ChristmaS decorations and the
beautifully decorated ChristmaS trees.
Motion: "To approve all reports as circulated"
Moved: J. Hilborn Seconded: S. Robson
7.0 New Business
7.1 Vacation Pay
Motion: "That the Association pay J. Coffey the monetaI)' value of
three weeks vacation that are owed to him."
Moved: J. Greenfield Seconded: J. Hilborn CARRIED
7.2 Capital Budget
The Board of Directors were asked to submit their requests before the end
of the year for items needed.
7.3 Holiday Hours
The holiday hours of the Oarington Older Adult Association are as follows:
Friday December 23 - Oosing at noon Go-Anne)
Monday December 26 - Gosed
Tuesday December 27 - Gosed
Wednesday December 28 - Open 8:30-4:30 Go-Anne)
Thursday December 29 - Open 8:30-4:30 (Laura)
Friday December 30 - Gosing at noon (Laura)
Monday Januaty 2 - Gosed
7.4 John Coffey's Hours
With the transition of the bank accounts and additional financial issues, it
was requested thatJ. Coffey work more than the approved one day per week
as needed.
Motion: "That it be approved that J. Coffey is able to wotk more than
one day per week to assist with the financial transitions, depending on
his personal schedule and as needed."
Moved: J. Greenfield
Seconded: N. Welsh
7.5 Christmas Bonus
Motion: "That the office staff be awarded a Christmas bonus as
agreed to by the Board of Directors."
Moved: J. Hilborn
Seconded: J.Robe~
8 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m
Moved: J. Robe~
Next Meeting: Special Board Meeting: Tuesday January 10, 2006 @ 2:00 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting: Friday January 13, 2006 @ 9:00 a.m.
AT 7:00 P.M.
David Best
Jim Cleland
Cathrine McKeever
Councillor Don MacArthur
Arthur Burrows
Allan Hewitt (Chair)
Leanne Sobol
Also Present:
Peter Windolf
Jennifer O'Donnell (Secretary)
Carn McCauley (MNR) Joe McKenna
Karin Murphy (Vice Chair) Greg Wells (GRCA)
1. Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.
Acceptance of Agenda
MOVED by Councillor Don MacArthur, seconded by Leanne Sobol
THAT the agenda for November 8, 2005 be accepted.
2. Minutes of October 11, 2005
There were no corrections to the minutes.
Approval of Minutes
MOVED by Councillor Don MacArthur, seconded by Leanne Sobol
THAT the minutes of October 11, 2005 be approved.
3. Issues arising from the Minutes
There were no issues arising from the minutes.
4. Migration Madness Re-Cap
Soar Raptor Education did a live raptor demonstration for about 40 to 50 people on
November 5th. The group contained many people with an interest in birding, which
would mean that an owl prowl held at a later date may be well received. Because there
were many new people at this event, we will bring to the next event a sign up sheet for
interested people to be included on the newsletter mailing list.
5. Project Updates
Lion's Memorial Forest
The Lion's Club has planted about 10 trees so far, with plans for 10 more for this year.
Also to be completed this year is the entrance feature. It will be suggested to the Lion's
Club that the opening ceremony for the forest be held in conjunction with Earth Day of
2006. Peter is w"~king on a letter of understanding for the responsibilities and
maintenance of the forest.
This project is out for tender, with a closing date of November 18. The gazebo will be
large enough to be used as both a shade structure and a possible gathering spot for future
events, and will be a simple, rectangular design. Construction should begin this year, and
should be completed by April 15th, in time for Earth Day.
Viewing Platform Vandalism
The vandalism has been repaired by the Operations department, but the damaged pickets
must still be picked up. Operations will be advised to clean up the old pickets.
Councillor MacArthur will make a request to Durham Regional Police to make more
frequent patrols in the nature area in an effort to reduce the amount of vandalism that
6. 2006 Capital Budget Ideas
Discussion took place about what projects could be considered for the 2006 budget.
Possible projeCts include additional trails, an entrance kiosk, more benches,
environmental restoration projects and bridge abutment repairs. A few projects in
particular drew interest from the committee, including creating a complete loop around
the nature area and an information kiosk. Peter will look further into the possibility of
th~se projects. Funds for the bridge abutment repairs will also be included in the budget.
Members were asked to email Peter if they have any additional ideas.
7. Sub-Committee Updates
There were no updates from the Communications Sub-committee. Allan made some
suggestions as possible future newsletter sponsors.
Special Events
The Sub-committee will start thinking about what can be done for a winter event. They
will contact GRCA about doing an owl prowl in the winter.
8. Other Business
Some hunting along the lake is still occurring despite the signage placed last year. The
MNR Conservation Officer for the area will be sent a copy ofthe Municipality's
Firearms by-law so that he can inform the few remaining hunters that the SWNA is a
public park and discharging a firearm is prohibited in public centres.
Fisheries Committee
Arthur attending the meeting of the Community Advisory Council for the Wilmot Creek
Watershed Fishc :cs Management Plan. His notes from the meeting are included as an
Kaitlin Pond
The Kaitlin storm water pond just west of the Toronto Street parking lot is under
construction, with the excavation complete.
8:15 P.M.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday December 13, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Meeting Room lA
Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell
- -,~
I - 17
Dave Davidson
Ted Watson
Gary Jeffery
John Vaneyk
Jennifer Knox
Eric Bowman
Bill Hasiuk
Marlene Werry, Durham Region
Gerald Brown
Brenda Metcalf
STAFF: Faye Langmaid
Susan Hajnik
REGRETS: Councillor Gord Robinson
ABSENT: Neil Allen
GUESTS: Heather Brooks, Senior Planner
Chair called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Welcome and introductions by Faye Langmaid.
Adoption of Aaenda
Moved by Dave Davidson seconded by Gerald Brown
"That the Agenda for November 1 0, 2005 be adopted"
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Dave Davidson, Seconded by Bill Hasiiuk
"That the minutes of the October 13, 2005 meeting be approved."
Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee
November 10, 2005
, f
Guest: Heather Brooks, Senior Planner
Heather Brooks provided Committee with an overview of the goals of planning related to
the Official Plan and Zoning By-law:
Goals of Planning are to balance the use of resources with development. Changes are
made within the guidelines of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
The Official Plan provides the general guidelines for land use and development. The
Zoning By-law is a legal document that dictates land use, building use and where on the
land buildings can be situated.
The Planning Act sets the parameters by which municipalities shall consider
development. The Planning Act regulates requirements for giving of notice, holding
public meetings, notice of passing of by-laws and rules for appeal decisions. For
example, the Planning Act states that notice of public meeting shall be placed in a local
newspaper, or a sign is erected on the property advising of a public meeting, and notice
of the public meeting is mailed to everyone within 120 metres of the subject property.
Anyone can offer their comments on a file prior to or at the public meeting. Once
comments have been received planning can go forward with making it's
recommendations. The quantity of comments for or against any particular file does not
dictate the final recommendations.
Ultimately, it is the politicians who make the final decision. The Planning Department
can only offer recommendations based on their knowledge and comments received.
Planners must take into consideration the following documents when making a
recommendation: The Planning Act;
. Official Plan;
. Zoning By-law; and
. Provincial Guidelines.
June 9 Resolution:
Bill indicated that a similar resolution has been passed April 11, 2005 in Agusta
Township. Faye will contact them to determine how they compensate.
Bill Hasiuk will research this matter further and report back to Committee on similar
resolutions that have been passed by other Municipalities.
Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Ted Watson
'To table resolution to allow more research"
Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee
November 10, 2005
, f
Grandfathering entrances:
The engineering department does entrances as a service to the Operations
Department. Committee feels that Fred Horvath, Director of Operations should be
requested to attend the January meeting to further discuss this issue.
05-36 Moved by John Vanyek, seconded by Ted Watson
'70 table the resolution regarding grandfathering entrances."
Committee will m:Jive a copy of the Ontario Landowners Guide to Wind Energy in the
monthly package mailed out.
407 Committee
No meeting was held. The Ministry of Transportation has put a hold on the relocation of
two stone houses. Since the proposed route has not been formalized the relocation has
been postponed.
In the minutes of the October 13 meeting of the AACC it stated that licenced pesticides
require no setbacks. Shawn Devlin at PMRA (Pesticide Management Review Agency)
advises that ther are no setback requirements for pesticides from a human health point
of view unless stated otherwise. Their position is that if it is safe for the operator it is
safe for others as well. In other words drift is not a problem from a human health point
of view. PMRA does have set backs for pesticide use around water and these set
backs vary depending on the pesticide and the volume of water. They do recognize that
there can be some crop damage from drift but it is not a human health problem. MOE
does not allow for any drift and will and does prosecute when drift occurs.
Buffers will not be part of the Official Plan Review to start with but hopefully will in the
near future.
Curbs at intersections where the shoulders are gravel on both roads but they put a curb
at the intersection and they go to the edge of the pavement are a problem for
machinery. The problem is that with wide machinery that takes one lane and part of
the shoulder as it approaches one of these intersections they either have to slow down
to a crawl or swing out into the oncoming lanes neither of which is safe.
Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee
November 10, 2005
. .
When MTO rebuilds a road they install 50 foot culverts while the Region uses a much
shorter culvert. With longer trucks today we need longer culverts especially on main
The problem has been brought to the attention of Regional Works and is being looked
Complaints have been received about culverts. Currently any that are being re-done
are getting 50 ft culverts. DAAC is attempting to review this with the Region. As trucks
are getting bigger longer culverts are required for farm entrances. This could be a more
serious issue on properties with no shoulder at the entrance turn.
The Christmas Parade in Newcastle will be held November 27 at 5 p.m.
Committee requests an update from Ron Baker on the slow moving vehicle signage
around the municipality. It is felt that the sign on the 7th Concession at Wilsonia should
be moved back, closer to Regional Road 57.
December 8 Mayor John Mutton
Russ Powell
January 2006 Peter Doris (tentative)
To be determined Fred Horvath
Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Jennifer Knox
"Motion to adjourn"
Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee
November 10, 2005
'OSDfC08 PN 3~~~ 18
. Pickering Nuclear Information Centre
1675 Montgomery Park Road
Pickering, Ontario
November 18, 2005
Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Department (DRHD)
Ms. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD (Presenter)
Mr. Frank Bajumy, Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Dr. Dave Whillans, OPG
Mr. Phil Dunn, Ministry of the Environment
Mr. Alex Heydon, Public Member
Mr. Ken Shrives, Public Member
Ms. Nonna Drummond, Public Member
Dr. Gerry Gold, Public Member (Presenter)
Mr. Michael Nemeth, Public'Member
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member
Dr. YoussefMroueh, Public Member
Mr. Brian Devitt, DRHD (Secretary)
Mr. Ivan Cuicuira, Durham Region Emergency Management Office
(DEMO) (presenter)
Mr. Gordon Reidt, DEMO
Mr. Gordon Morton, Emergency Management Ontario (Presenter)
Mr. Ed Korpach, Health Canada (presenter)
Mr. Garry Schwarz, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
(presenter) .,' ...: '" "-. ---_~__
Mr. Tom Schaubel, CNSC (presenter) . 1.- O.t.~~ rRH3UT~
Mr. Don Terry, OPG (presenter) I cL.I-.:t\... .,...... ". F
Ms. Pat Patton, Nuclear Waste Management OrganizafiQU.K. BY .., ... ""=._."'.,...~... t
(NWMO) (presenter) 1 an'(',.MA/ T' ,....._.~._,.."""" /.
I r',f "" "II'l, 1,.
Mr. Sean Russell, NWMO (presenter) r t'ri""'f: ._.;:;-....:..:.;:.,.::..::..:.;.::'.::::;:.'-", .
Ms. Sue Stickley, Low Level Radioactive Waste M ., ", / \.~_ -,
Office (LLRWMO) (Presenter) --. i=----=-:J
Ms. Judy Herod, LLRWMO ~._.~----~-_.!~_~_ r
Ms. Janice .Hudson, OPG t-~-"---.,--_..;_._..--.J
Ms. Tho Dlen Le, OPG r- ,..,----~--i...3._.'....
Ms. Jane Borromeo, OPG
Mr. Irv Benovich, OPG
Ms. Dorothy Skinner, Durham Region Planning Department
Ms. Janice Szwarz, Municipality of Clarington
Ms. Anne Marie Holt, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District
Health Unit
Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member
Ms. Lorraine Weigel, Public Member
Mr. Ken Gorman, DRHD
Dr. Robert Ky~:, Chair of the DNHC, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
1.0 Adoption of the Agenda
The Revised Agenda was adopted.
2.0 Adoption of the DNHC Minutes of the September 16,2005 meeting
The Minutes were adopted with a correction in 4.1 that referred to Mayor David Ryan,
of the City of Pickering, as the Co-chair of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host
Communities (CANHC). Mayor David Ryan's position is the Vice Chair of CANHC.
This correction was made to the minutes before they were adopted.
3.0 Correspondence
3.1 Dr. Kyle's office received the minutes of the Pickering Community Advisory
Council meetings for July, September and October 2005.
3.2 Dr. Kyle's office received the CNSC Annual Report for March 2004-March 2005.
3.3 Dr. Kyle's office received a news release from the LLRWMO about the Port
Granby Project Information Sessions to be held at the Newtonville Town Hall on
November 17,21 and 24,2005, dated November 15, 2005.
3.4 Dr. Kyle's office received the NWMO Final Study Report "Choosing a Way
Forward" dated November 2005.
3.5 Dr. Kyle's office received an invitation to attend the Celebration of the Pickering
A Unit 1 Return to Service public meeting at the Pickering Nuclear Information
Centre on November 25,2005 from 10 to 11 am dated November 16,2005.
3.6 Dr. Kyle's office received several photographs from Scott Berry, Senior
Communications Advisor at Pickering Nuclear, of the OPG staff and DNHC
dinner meeting held on October 25,2005.
4.0 Nuclear Power / Environmental Issues
4.1 Report on the Fixed Point Surveillance Network Project for Canada
Ed Korpach, Systems and Field Operation Specialist for Health Canada, provided a
presentation on the Fixed Point Surveillance Network Project for Canada. The
highlights of his presentation were:
. Health Canada has, in the past 3 years, set up a real-time monitoring of
atmospheric radiation in Canada.
. '::te purpose of the project is to monitor and respond to daily atmospheric
radiation measurements in normal operations and for emergencies.
. Health Canada has installed 51 detection devices across Canada to
measure real-time atmospheric radiation in strategic locations.
. The information gathered from the 15 detection devices installed by OPG
for routine environmental monitoring around their nuclear stations is
linked to the Fixed Point Surveillance Project.
. Health Canada now provides nationwide coverage of all nuclear facilities,
nuclear powered vessels berths and major population centres.
. Major partnerships were developed to implement the project including
the Canadian Border Services Agency, Environment Canada, ABCL,
OPG, SAlC Exploranium, many provincial ministries, municipalities,
CNSC and McGill University.
. Future plans include setup tools for network maintenance, secure long-
term funding, start monthly dose reports and create a web-page for use by
the public.
The DNHC indicated its interest in the Fixed Point Surveillance Project especially
the website for the public to use for real-time monitoring of atmospheric radiation.
Ed offered to keep the DNHC updated as the project develops.
The overheads Ed Korpach can be reached at (613) 952-5658 or bye-mail at ed
koroach@J1c-sc.gc.ca for more information. The overheads Ed used are attached as
Appendix 1.
4.2 Report Cards from the CNSC on Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Generating
Stations (NGS) for 2004
Garry Schaubel, Director of the Darlington Regulatory Program Division of the
CNSC, gave a presentation on the safety performance for Darlington NGS
referring to the 2004 CNSC Report Cards. The highlights of Garry's presentation
CNSC Safety Performance Ratings - 7 Safety Areas Rated
. NGS with A rating is among the best operating NGS in the world
. NGS with B rating meets all the CNSC regulatory requirements
. NGS with C rating needs to focus on improvement until it is B
Darlington NGS - Safety Performance for 2004
. Operation Performance B
. Performance Assurance B
. Design and Analysis B
. Equipment Fitness for Service B
. Emergency Preparedness A
. Environmental Performance B
. Radiation Protection B
. Nuclear Security B
. Safeguards and Nuclear Non-Proliferation B
Darlington NGS Annual Report ConclusionS
. Operated safely in 2004
. Programs and implementation generally acceptable
. Improved in Performance Assurance
. Difficulty in Equipment Fitness for Service
Tom Schaubel, Director of the Pickering Regulatory Program Division of the
CNSC, gave a presentation on the safety performance of Pickering NGS referring
to the 2004 CNSC Report Cards. The highlights of his presentation were:
Pickering NGS - Safety Performance for 2004
. Operating Performance
· Performance Assurance
. Design and Analysis
. Equipment Fitness for Service
. Emergency Preparedness
. Environmental Performance
. Radiation Protection
. Nuclear Security
. Safeguards and Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Pickering NGS Annual Report Conclusions
. Pickering A operated safely in 2004
. Pickering A Unit 1 restart was much improved over Unit 4
. Pickering A licence was renewed for 5 years
. Pickering B operated safely in 2004
. Pickering B improved all units from 2003
. Pickering B improved the Emergency Services Water System
Current Issues of Interest at Pickering NGS
. Return to service of Unit 1
. Safe Shutdown State of Units 2 and 3 to begin
. ('C ..<\RT follow up inspection in September 2005 confinned that
improvements were made to Pickering A from previously noted
suggestions and recommendations.
In conclusion, the CNSC was satisfied that OPG operated Darlington and
Pickering NGS safely in 2004 and improvements in safety performance have
continued in 2005.
Garry Schwarz can be reached at (613) 995-2784 or by e-mail at schwartzg@cnsc-
ccsn.gc.ca for more information on Darlington NGS. Tom Schaubel can be
reached at (613) 995-0481 or bye-mail at schaubelt@cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca for more
information on Pickering NGS.
4.3 Progress report from the NWMO on the Final Study Report
Pat Patton and Sean Russell, from the NWMO, provided an update on the Final
Study Report dated November 2005. The highlights of their presentation were:
. NWMO completed and submitted the Final Study Report to the Minister
of Natural Resources Canada on November 3,2005.
. The Final Study Report has a separate section for comments of the
Advisory Council on the NWMO Study.
. NWMO Final Study Report Recommendation - Adaptive Phased
Management consisting of two components:
o A Technical Method
. Ultimate centralized containment and isolation in an
appropriate geological formation
. Optional shallow storage at the central site prior to
placement in the repository
o A Management System
· Phased adaptive decision-making
· Continuous monitoring
· Provision for retrievability
· Citizen engagement
. More than 3500 copies of the Final Study Report have been requested.
. Copies of the Final Study Report are available at www.nwmo.ca
. The Minister of Natural Resources will review the Final Study Report
and recommend an action to take to the Governor-in-Council and a
decision will be made on how to proceed on the long-term management
of used nuclear fuel in Canada.
Pat Patton and Sean Russell indicated the NWMO Final Study Report is now being
considered by federal politicians and officials but they do not know when a
decision will be made. Pat will continue to keep the DNHC updated on any
significant actions and decisions taken on the NWMO Final Study Report.
Pat Pattcu can be reached at (416) 934-9814 extension 224 or bye-mail at
ppatton@nwmo.ca for more information. The overheads Pat used are attached as
Appendix 2.
4.4 Report on Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in Durham Region
Ivan Cuicuira, Director of the Durham Emergency Management Office (DEMO),
provided a presentation on nuclear emergency preparedness in Durham Region.
The highlights ofIvan's presentation were:
. DEMO is responsible for coordinating the effective mitigation,
preparedness, response and recovery in case of an emergency in Durham
· DEMO has five staff and they are on call 24 hours per day 7 days per
week to respond to an emergency.
· Nuclear emergency preparedness is a part of the overall emergency
planning in Durham Region.
· Nuclear emergency preparedness includes plans, training, exercises and
public education.
· The Ministry of Community Safety, Emergency Management Ontario
(EMO), also has authority and responsibilities for nuclear emergency
preparedness under the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Plan
(pNERP) including public alerting and public education.
· DEMO and EMO work closely together on nuclear emergency
preparedness in Durham Region.
· Public alerting with the use of sirens, in the Primary Zone of 3 km from
Pickering or Darlington NGS, is under authority of the PNERP and is
being considered by provincial officials at this time for Durham Region.
· The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care has developed a draft plan
to cover nuclear emergency scenarios from NGS accidental releases to a
dirty bomb.
· DEMO has coordinated emergency planning exercises in 200S for:
o Tritium Emissions to test a new plan and notification procedure
with OPG
o Orono Emergency Workers Centre to test emergency worker
control, monitoring and decontamination with OPG and 200
o Oshawa Civic Reception Centre to test public monitoring and
decontamination with 200 participants
o Darlington 2005 to practice and evaluate nuclear emergency plans
at Darlington NGS involving participants from the Province of
Ontario, City of Toronto, Durham Region, City of Peterborough,
OPG, School Boards and Regional Departments of Health, Social
Services, Works, Planning and Police Service
· EMO has developed a new strategy for ongoing public education
including a "Red Page" in telephone book, websites, media releases,
"~'.1.fspaper ads etc. Mike Morrow gave a presentation later in the meeting
expanding on the new strategy from EMO.
Ivan Ciuciura will continue to update the DNHC on nuclear emergency
preparedness issues annually. Ivan can be reached at (905) 430-2792 or bye-mail
at ivan.cuicuira@region.durham.on.ca for more information.
4.5 Report on Provincial Nuclear Preparedness changes that may affect Durham
Michael Morton, Assistant Chief Training and Education Officer for EMO,
provided a presentation on recent provincial changes to the Nuclear Emergency
Public Education strategy. The highlights of his presentation were:
. PNERP has required a nuclear emergency public education program
since 1986 and it is undergoing a major review.
· The nuclear emergency public education strategies of EMO, DEMO and
OPG were reviewed and evaluated in May 2005 when DEMO formed a
subcommittee of key stakeholders to coordinate the nuclear emergency
public education strategy for Durham Region.
. Other key stakeholders added to the subcommittee include the
municipalities of Toronto, Pickering and Clarington.
. The Durham Region strategy is part of an overall effort to develop formal
public education programs in nuclear communities in Ontario.
. The strategy is customized for each nuclear community based on the
needs of key stakeholders.
. The Action Plan developed for 2005 and 2006 includes:
o Commercial Visitation Program
o Web sites
o Durham Outreach Programs
o Water Billing Inserts
o Local Advertising
o Agricultural Information
o Measurement
o Durham Region Telephone Directory Insert
. The telephone directory insert will be updated annually and
approximately 315,000 copies will be distributed.
Michael indicated the coordinated Nuclear Emergency Public Education strategy is
well underway and a considerable amount of time and effort will be invested in
2006 to improve the program.
Michael Morton can be reached at (416) 212-3472 or bye-mail at
michael.i.morton@ius.gov.on.ca for more information.
4.6 Port Grall~ i EA Update
Sue Stickley, Communications Officer for the LLRWMO, provided an update on
the Port GranbyEA Project. The highlights of her presentation were:
. The LLRWMO completed the Draft EA Study Report for the Port
Granby Project and incorporated additional investigations requested by
the Municipality of Clarington: .
o Install an additional composite liner for additional environmental
o Construct an underpass. beneath Lakeshore Road for trucks
hauling waste
o Upgrade the municipal roads affected by the project prior to
commencement of moving material
. The LLRWMO developed 3 additional base liner system options for the
Municipality to consider but an enhanced cover system designed with a
capillary drainage system was recommended as the best option to address
the issues of environmental protection.
. The LLRWO recommended the construction of the underpass.
. The LLRWMO will cost share the road repairs with the Municipality.
. The Municipality and the Municipal Peer Review Team for Clarington
indicated the capillary drainage layer was a better solution for
environmental protection than an additional composite liner because:
o Keeps the waste dry rather than containing contaminated leachate
o Uses natural material found on site therefore less trucking is
o Becomes a non-mechanical, passive system and therefore is
maintenance free
o Sensors within the capillary layer can provide early detection and
location of cover system leakage
o Monitoring of the capillary barrier system is a relatively easy
. Public Information sessions were held at the Newtonville Town Hall in
November 2005 to present the new capillary drainage layer design and
the Draft Project Discussion Group Terms of Reference to local residents.
. Next steps include:
o Late 2005-early 2006 - LLRWMO and consultants will revise the
Effects Studies for the Draft Environmental Assessment
Screening Report (EASR)
o January 2006 - LLRWMO will convene the formation meeting
for the Project Discussion Group with 4 meetings proposed .per
o Spring 2006 - Municipality of Clarington Council will consider
consent for the ''preferred option" for the Port Granby Project
o Spring 2007 - Federal Responsible Authorities will issue the
Draft EASR for public comment
o Spring 2008 - Construction will begin on the Port Granby Long-
Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility
Sue Stickley will continue to update the DNHC on the progress of the Port Granby
EA Project. Sue can be reached at (905) 885-1092 or bye-mail at
stickleys~aec1.ca for more information.
5.0 Health Effects
5.1 Progress Report on the Health Department's Radiation and Health in Durham
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, Epidemiologist for the DRHD, provided a brief update on
the progress being made on the research and preparation of the report on Radiation
and Health in Durham Region since the last meeting.
Mary-Anne reported the congenital anomaly data has been gathered. Mary-Anne
was invited to speak on the congenital anomaly results she has reviewed for the
report Radiation and Health in Durham Region at the scientific meeting of the
Congenital Anomalies Surveillance Network in Ottawa.
Mary-Anne presented to the DNHC a technical report of her research on the topic
Radiation and Congenital Anomalies in Durham Region that will be referenced in
the report Radiation and Health in Durham Region. The highlights of her
presentation were:
. Animal and human studies have shown links to radiation and congenital
. Human studies have been done of nuclear workers, atomic bomb
survivors, Chemobyl and medical exposures for congenital anomalies.
. Data was collected recently from the Public Health Agency of Canada,
Canadian Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System, obtained from
hospitalization information from birth to the first year of life.
. Two time periods were selected - 1979-1989 and 1990-2000.
. Rates for various congenital anomalies reported in Durham Region were
studied and compared with rates in Halton Region, Simcoe and Ontario.
. Conclusion: Results were not consistent with a radiological effect for
microcephaly, all investigated congenital anomalies, Down Syndrome,
other chromosomal anomalies and neural tube defects.
. SillllID.ary: No significant elevated rates were noticed in Ajax-Pickering
or Clarington for any of the congenital anomalies examined.
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak will continue to update the DNHC on the progress of the
report Radiation and Health in Durham Region. Mary-Anne can be reached at
(905) 668-4113 extension 3185 or bye-mail at ~
anne.pietrusiak@region.durham.on.ca for more information. The overheads Mary-
Anne used are attached as Appendix 3.
6.0 Communications
6.1 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear
Don Terry, Manager of Community Affairs, provided information on communitY
issues at Pickering Nuclear. The highlights of Don's presentation were:
. Unit 1 was returned to service on schedule and on budget and is operating
at full power producing 515 megawatts of electrical power.
. OPG will be hosting a Celebration of the Restart of Unit 1 on November
25, 2005 at the Pickering Nuclear Information Centre with the
Honourable Donna Cans field, Minister of Energy, scheduled to speak to
invited guests. .
. OPG was pleased to host the DNHC and OPG special dinner meeting on
October 25, 2005 at Pickering Nuclear.
. Don Terry provided copies of the group photograph of DNHC members
and OPG senior management for distribution to members by Brian
. OPG has raised approximately $580,000 for charities in 2005.
Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs at Pickering Nuclear, can be reached at
(905) 839-1151 extension 5966 or bye-mail at don.terrY@.oog.com for more
6.2 Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear
Don Terry reported for Vanessa Hughes, Manager of Public Affairs at Darlington
Nuclear, who was unable to attend today's meeting. Don provided information on
community issues at Darlington Nuclear and the highlights were:
. Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 are operating at full power.
. Darlington Nuclear was recertified by the Wildlife Habitat Council and
has been nominated for the prestigious "Corporate Habitat of the Year"
award with only 4 of 90 companies nominated.
. Darlington Nuclear participated in a provincial nuclear emergency
preparedness exercise on November 17,2005.
Vanessa Hughes can be reached at (905) 697-7443 or bye-mail at
Vanessa.hnghes@opg.com for more information.
6.3 Report on the Tour of the OPG Environmental Laboratory on September 23,2005
Dr. Gerry Gold, Public Member, reported on behalf of 8 persons who participated
in the tour of the OPG Environmental Laboratory on September 23, 2005 from
9:00 am to 12:30 pm at 1549 Victoria Street, Whitby. Dr Dave Whillans arranged
the tour, at the request of Brian Devitt, for DNHC.members.
Gerry indicated the tour was very informative and he was impressed with the large
number of environmental samples tested. The friendly staff members were very
professional and helpful during the tour. Gerry noted the lab did not have a
pamphlet or promotional brochure on its function and activities. He suggested to
Dr. Dave Whillans to consider developing some promotional material on the lab
since it provides such a valuable service to OPG and the community. Gerry also
suggested the DNHC members be offered the tour of the environmental lab
approximately every 2 years.
7.0 Other Business
7.1 Topics Inventory Update
Brian Devitt indicated the Topics Inventory will be revised to include the
presentations made today and it is attached as Appendix 4.
7.2 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider
Brian Devitt indicated the topics for discussion at the next meeting on November
18, 2005 may include:
. Progress report from Mary-Anne Pietrusiak on the report Radiation and
Health in Durham Region
. Update on the Final Report of the Implementation' of Recommendations
and Suggestions from OSART on Unit 4 at Pickering A
· Update on the Monitoring of Radioiodine in Ash from the York-Durham
Pollution Control Plant
· Report from the Health Department on plans for influenza outbreaks
· Report from Health Canada on the health effects of Radon in Homes
· Report from provincial officials on plans for the use of new nuclear
facilities to help meet the future electricity needs in Ontario
8.0 Next Meeting
January 13, 2006
12:00 pm lunch served
1 :00 pm meeting begins
Darlington Nuclear
Site Engineering and Support Services Building
Third Floor Boardroom
Clarington, Ontario
9.0 Adjournment at 5:00 PM
1- 32
Minutes of Meeting
December 1S, 7:00 PM
Victor Suppan
Clayton Morgan
Cathy McKeever
Karina Isert
Councillor MacArthur
Karin Murphy
Jennifer Knox
Johanna d
Andrew Kozak
Isabel Little
Faye Langmaid
by Andrew Kozak
accepted as amended.
ompleting their review of the additions to the heritage
In November staff contacted Andrew Roher of Dunbury Homes to obtain a confirmation
in writing that they were willing to donate the building to the Municipality at no cost. Mr.
Roher verified that they would donate the house and the cost of moving would be at the
Municipality's expense. He indicated that the building would be vacated by November
30th and that they would like to have the building moved or demolished in December.
Staff's research revealed that Dunbury Homes had previously applied for a land
severance of 483 King Avenue East in order to split the property into two separate lots.
The Region of Durham approved the application and one of the conditions of approval
Minutes of LACAC Meeting: December 14th, 2005
Page 2
requested by Planning staff was the demolition of the house as it straddles the
proposed new property line.
Staff have reviewed the heritage significance of the property with Sean Fraser of the
Ontario Heritage Trust. The Trust has provided a written confirmation of the provincial
significance of the building in its current location (copy attached). Mr. Fraser has
concluded that if the building is moved off site it would no longer have provincial
significance but would still have merit at the municipal level.
Given Dunbury Homes' anxiousness to have the building m
December 12, 2005, a staff report on the Wallbridge House
The report outlined two options for the preservation of th
the bui:ding to another location, designate the stru
municipal use. T"'') second is to purchase the entire '
seek provincial designation and funding, and use it
d or demolished, on
sented to Council.
e. The first is to move
find an appropriate
ignate the building,
Pollard House and Building Movers was co
moved, how far and at what cost. The hou
can not go under any railway overpasses, it can
and can not go up Highway 115. It is also limited b
to cross. The building mover reco ended that it
Two to a nearby location.
he Memorial Park site on
side of Highway Two, and
Rudell ad. The first two sites do not
. The community park site has sufficient
e timate has been given on the mover's
The 200
demolition p
published in the 10
rio e e Act included a provision that halts the
property is being considered for designation. The
e provided with direction on whether to pursue
othe ocation, pursue purchasing the property, pursue
lay the issuance of a demolition permit, 'or issue the
when t application is received. Council directed staff to pursue
prepared the Notice of Intention to Designate and it was
spaper on December 21st.
Staff will be arran ng a meeting between the interested parties in January. Victor
Suppan and Kathy McKeever agreed to represent the LACAC.
Havdon Public School
Karina Isert and Isabel Little visited the site and reported on the property's historical and
cultural significance. The neighbourhood residents are preparing a submission to
request formal designation.
Minutes of LACAC Meeting: December 14th, 2005
Page 3
4510 Hiqhwav 2. Newtonville
Information on the site is still being collected.
CHO Newsletter and Membership Renewal Request
LACAC members received the CHO newsletter.
05.31 Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Joha
THAT LACAC renew its CHO membership fo
Grand Trunk Railwav Anniversary Committee
No meetings have been scheduled.
. e awards program by early
aining the request for funds as
or November 2005 totaled $985.79.
ina Isert, seconded by Johanna deBoer
financial report be accepted as presented.
05.33 Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT Victor Suppan be reimbursed $40 for the book "Iron in the Blood".
Minutes of LACAC Meeting: December 14th, 2005
Page 4
42 SCUqOO Street Development Proposal
Coloured elevations of the development proposal was circulated to the Committee for
05.34 Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Kathy McKeever
THAT LACAC appreciates the design of the buildi
and materials displayed in the architect's elev
keeping with the past history of the site.
architectural features
wings, which is in
20 Kino Street East Facade and Transit Shelter
Council passed a resolution to proceed wit
LACAC is to provide input on the two propose
McKeever will represent LACAC at a future meeting
be decided in 2006.
Severance of Non-a ricultural Rural P
nto s completed between 1986 and 1990. The
over the years to update the inventory but has been
roject requires a significant amount of time and a
mmittee passed the following motion:
rt, seconded by Johanna deBoer
alified summer student be hired by the Planning Services
nt to complete a review and update of the Clarington Heritage
ce inventory
HeritaQe Conservation District Plan
The Committee reviewed a draft resolution on the HCD Plan that had been circulated by
Jennifer Knox prior to the meeting. After much discussion the attached resolution was
adopted by the Committee.
Minutes of LACAC Meeting: December 14th, 2005
Page 5
05.36 Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Karina Isert
THAT the resolution on the Heritage Conservation District Plan as
reviewed by the LACAC be endorsed.
(a) EGD-001-06 - Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for
November, 2005
(b) ESD-001-06 - Monthly Response Report - November 2005
THAT Report PSD-001-06 be received;
THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan COPA 2005-008,
submitted by Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes (Ontario)
Limited be referred back to staff for further processing and the completion of
a Neighbourhood Design Plan;
THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0003 and
application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-042 submitted by Smooth Run
Developments be referred back for further processing and completion of a
Neighbourhood Design Plan;
THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0004 and
application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-043 submitted by Brookfield Homes
(Ontario) Limited be referred back for further processing and the completion
of a Neighbourhood Design Plan;
Report #1
- 2-
January 16, 2006
THAT the applicants be required to undertake a Financial Impact Analysis to
address the impacts of these proposals to the Municipality;
THAT Staff conduct a community consultation process for the North Village
Neighbourhood Plan; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-001-06 and any delegation
be advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-002-06 be received; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-002-06 and any delegations
be advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-003-06 be received; and
THAT all interested parties listed for Report PSD-003-06 and any
delegations be advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-004-06 be received; and
THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment
made on December 1,2005 for applications A2005-0051 and A2005-0052,
and on December 15, 2005 for application A2005/008, and that Staff be
authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the
decisions of the Committee of Adjustment.
THAT Report PSD-005-06 be received; and
THAT all interested parties listed for Report PSD-005-06 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report COD-003-06 be received;
THAT Work Tech Inc., Grimsby, Ontario be awarded a contract for the Work
Tech Software in the amount of $43,000.00 (Plus GST);
Report #1
- 3-
January 16, 2006
THAT funds required in the amount of $43,000, which have been carried over be
drawn from Information Technology Software Account #110-16-162-81611-7401;
THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-003-06, marked Schedule "A",
authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be
THAT the presentation and Certificate of Appreciation of Samveg Saxena,
President & Founder - UOIT Solar Vehicle Team regarding the solar vehicle be
received with thanks.
JANUARY 16, 2006
being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Work Tech Inc., Grimsby,
Ontario, to enter into a license agreement for the municipal
application (Item #7 of Report #1 )